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Horton’s Southern Fried Baller Safari - Day 3


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Wednesday morning Dave and I again packed up the rental car and headed out without a map. A few hours later we arrived in Covington Louisiana to have lunch with Chad Scott before we went to the lake. Since Chad and Dave both work in law enforcement, I was entertained by street cop horror stories while I ate my cajon shrimp salad.

After lunch we drove a few miles to Dave DiPol’s Ski Ranch. If I was doing a contest for the most scenic and opulent skis sites in the country the Ranch would be a contender. The Ski Ranch is one of the most famous sites in the world because you simply get more buoys there. There is something in the water. Just ask Chris Parish, David Miller or Regina Jaquess who regularly attend tournaments at the Ranch.

We were joined by Dave DiPol’s 14 year old son, Daniel. At age 14 Daniel is one of the nation’s standout Jr skiers and is very impressive to watch. After Daniel skied, Chad Scott showed us why he has been one of the most dominant BigDawg Skiers over the last decade. Feeling humbled by what we had seen, both Dave and I had good rides. You just ski well at the Ranch.

Pressed for time as always, we jumped back in the car and headed off to Baton Rouge to meet the infamous Shelby Coke (aka Scoke) at a lake called Levees Edge.

Like many lakes around the country, the shape of Levees Edge is slightly odd. If you stay between the wakes until you get most of the way to the green balls you will not get rocks in your teeth. Besides that one detail and Scokes pet alligator “Princess”, Levees Edge is another classic south Louisiana ski lake. The water is thick in a good way. Clearly Scoke has found a slice of heaven.

After we all skied and I did a little trick coaching, Scoke took us to get some classic southern Louisiana dinner and beers. If this were a food and drink web site I would write a page about the microbrew beers and fried oysters.
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