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  • Baller

I'm on a 67, 5'10" approx 12 stone (161 to 168lb) trying a 65.5 at the moment. Skied well one day on the 65.5 and the next not so good, where the 67 I'm finding it is more forgiving for me. The only reason I was trying the 65 was struggling at 36 at 14 and seems like bigger folk than me are on the smaller ski. (perhaps coaching will just sort me out) The 65 gave me tighter turns but bites at the finish and seems to be less forgiving.

65.5 setting





67 setting





Looking at the two skis there doesn't seem to be much difference except height but measuring them the 65 tail is a lot wider than the 67...not sure what that means I sure someone can tell me on here.


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  • Baller


I rode both quite a bit last year and the year before. IMHO go with the 65.5. The 65.5 and 68 seem to be pretty good skis. The 67 seems to be a bit different. Apparently Obrien does not "scale" the skis, but makes them differently for each size.


Anyway. I am 6'1" and 175#. If I was a bit shorter/lighter I would definitely have gone with the 65.5. My numbers were 2.510, 6.840, and 0.769. It does have a bit of a tendency to pop the tail on your toe side if you jump on the nose. If you stay up and let the ski finish you will be rewarded with angle. (This is all from skiing between 14.25-10.75 at 34/36)


My wife is on the 65.5 and really likes it as well!

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  • Baller

Thanks Scott will give the 65.5 another go and see how I get on what binding measurement did you have ?

You said the 67 seems to be different in what way ? Do you mean that there isn't many people who like the 67 at 36 or suits a particular style of skiing ?

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  • Baller

I had the 65.5 binding at 29.5".


As far as the ski. To me it just seemed the 65.5 felt better, but was a bit small for my nasty habit of coming off the handle early into my toe side. This is also based on observation. Skidawg came to our place last year with the 67 and 68 for some input on which one he should be on. He had been on a 67 for about a year at the time, but when he hopped on the 68 it was obviously better from my perspective in the boat.


Yes this could just be size related, but I haven't seen a lot of people (don't count Andy) that look great on the 67. I wonder what size Jason McClintock is on???

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  • Baller

I have been toying with lengths similiar to Andybs. I started with Andyms numbers but took the length all the way to 6.89 keeping .78 from the tail and about 2.51 to 2.513 in depth (when I change the length I don't fret the small depth changes). At 6.89 the ski was working real well but would not tolerate excess speed into the offside and would blow out the tail or when slow I couldn't hang on at the finish of the turn. Shortened to 6.88 and it is working better not punishing me for carrying speed into the offside.


Today I rotated my front binding a little clockwise because I noticed when I would stand up tall into the offside the ski was biting a kind of hard. This also seemed to be an improvement. It helped my onside turns be a little more automatic and I could stand up tall and reach coming into the offside buoys more predictably.


I did take a dramatic out the front at 13/55 which sent me sailing down the course landing on my back and skidding half way to the next buoy (opposite side of course). I think that was caused by some habits I picked up trying to turn the ski with the other set-ups. I came into two ball with a ton of space and width and according to my wife when I changed edges the tip of the ski went down and off I went into space. On subsequent successful attempts at 13, 12.5, 12 and 4 @ 11.6 (I have 1/2 loops) no more out the front problems countering into offside and not trying to climb on top of ski to make something happen.


Fin adjustments are important but I really appreciate being able to rotate my Strada bindings to tweak ski performance in the turns. I don't see much written about binding rotation but everyone's feet are stuck on the end of their legs a little different and I think it is something that should be taken into account when making adjustments.

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  • Baller

Skied again last night on both 65.5 and 67. The 65.5 is killing my back at the moment really grabs out of the turn, where the 67 is more fluid and smooth. Running the binding at 29 going to take it back a hole and see if that helps. As the tail is wider on the 65 I guessing this forces the back of the ski up and tip down ? I'm a rtp skier so probably less pressure on my back foot compared to a double boot so would moving the boot help.


Scot not sure how you ran it at 29.5 I think if I tried that I would have no back left and be otf all the time.



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