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Season ending complete hamstring avulsion


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Anyone had this rare injury? Had surgery Weds morning to reattach all 3 left hamstrings that had completely torn off the pelvic bone and retracted 4 inches down the leg. No bone came with it. Was not a waterski injury. Surgery went very well, standard recovery is 6 weeks in a brace and on crutches, with about 4-6 months PT rehab to resume "normal activity". Of course none of us here do a "normal" activity, so was wondering if anyone has any experience with how long it took to get back in the course after this injury. My Achilles rupture was nothing compared to this..........
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Thanks Bruce, yeah, my research found it would indeed have been better to have an avulsion fracture.

But despite my wanting to have some fun with Horton (maybe some rehab techniques he knows using sex?), here's how it happened, not that it will help anyone avoid it.


I am embarassed to say that it was a freak accident. I should really make up a good crash & burn story. Skied 2 nice sets that morning. Went that evening to watch my God daughters softball game with my 11 year old nephew who was visiting. Game ended and we jogged about 20 feet across the grass towards the car and as I slowed down my left foot slipped out in front of me on the moist grass and I took a weird fall. I'm guessing to the side and back, with the left leg to the side and out in front in some kind of a strange split? Happened real fast. That was it, wicked pain and having had ruptured Achilles's before I knew instantly I was in big trouble because this was way worse. Could probably take a little slip like that 10,000 times again and have nothing happen. Rare injury, only a few % of all hamstring injuries, ironically it is hurdlers and first time water skiers (getting out of the water) that account for the bulk of these injuries.


I have always healed fast and hope that is the case this time as well. Surgery was 17 days after injury, complete detachment 4" of retraction. I'm in great shape, non smoker etc., very young 56, retired, very motivated and hard rehab person, so I have some good things going for me. (Well, I do wish the 56 was a lower number!) I have a PT lined up that, like you, has treated this specific injury post surgery. Will see him on day 14 after surgery once I have the stitches or staples removed on day 13. I assume that would just be passive ROM since the brace and crutches are on for 6 weeks.


Since you have experience any tips or suggestion would be appreciated. In your experience and with the info given what would be a guesstimate on time till getting back on the water? I understand the need for patience.


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Thanks Bruce, appreciate the info and the encouragement. Yeah, I considered a 'tried to make 6 ball and then yard sale'd' story but figure ultimately honesty is the best policy. Getting major grief from my buddies about it, but their turn will come!


I had already mentally figured I'm totally done till next spring, it's just that I go to Ski Paradise every year in late November and was deluding myself that it might yet be possible. Really hurts to miss that trip which caps off my waterski season, but not realistic I guess. Will have to be careful about the snow ski season too I suspect.


Never on any meds of any kind ever, just have always been very tightly strung. Had a history of chronic hamstring pulls waaaay back in the semi-pro racquetball days. The Achilles rupture was 16 years ago on a fast break while playing basketball, it had been sore for a while before (stupid me).


About 5 years ago I started a concientious morning and night stretching program and the hams had finally been pain free with noticeable gains in flexibility, and my overall flexiblilty was also greatly improved. Not surprisingly had many fewer nagging injuries. So am a little dissapointed at the hamstring occurence but I think it truly was a freak "perfect storm" situation.


Will rehab hard but smart, and come back better than ever. Thanks again.


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  • Baller
Wow sorry to hear about this. I'll add to be patient. I know when I tore my hamstring in 2005, I was skiing again in 4 months. BUT, I am just now feeling as if it's healed completely. While the doctors said it was healed, it easily took 3 1/2 years for discomfort to go away, especially after sitting for long periods of time. Mine was torn at the fibia where it wraps behind and outside the knee.
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I am posting a photo I took in the recovery room that I sent to my ski friends in California so they wouldn't panic when they heard of my injury. The 2nd photo is the photoshopped return photo from one of them which I'm posting since Horton started on the subject but wouldn't take my bait. Obviously he is not the only person whose mind works that way!

(Obviously I have way more time on my hands)./vanilla2/uploads/FileUpload/9/989.jpg/vanilla2/uploads/FileUpload/10/990.jpg

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That is not the kind of ho I was thinking of.


I do have a story that involves astroturf, a dock, ducks and a cheerleader.... as a married man I think that is all I should say

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  • Baller

Thought I had been through some injuries, not only does it sound excruciatingly painful, it sounds like a lot of painful physio and hard work to get back, I wish you a speedy recovery.

If it helps a ski buddy took a tumble and when he surfaced his ski and foot was facing 180% the wrong way, he was told he would never walk properly or ski again after 18 months of painful physio and hard work he not only walks properly, he skied through 38 off @36mph

Again Good luck and a Speedy recovery.

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It was excritiating but I certainly wouldn't trade with your buddy. Wow, just goes to show there is always somebody less fortunate than yourself. That's an inspiring story. Not just the comeback but to ski thru 38 off!

I'll come back stronger than ever. Just wish I had a better story about how it happened..........Thanks Stevie Boy.

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Hey OB, yep, that would appear to be real close. Did the guy ever try skiing again or did that cure him?

My hematoma looked similar, just as low but blacker and continued higher up the butt cheek. Won't see my stitches or staples (was a table time decision and I forgot to ask) for another10 days as the original dressing stays on till they get removed. I can tell from feel that it definitely goes higher up the butt cheek but does go that low down on the leg. I'd surmise that if it was one hamstring, and from the length of the incision, that maybe he tore the hamstring itself below the attachment point rather than off the bone? But hey what do I know, I'm not a doctor, just a guy dumb enough to tear all three off the bone. Certainly doesn't matter, they both suck big time. But, making lemonade out of lemons, I'll be able to watch the entire webcast of the Milwaukee Pro Stop!

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  • Baller
Shortenit- Hang in there man. That looks like a nasty repair. I can certainly relate after suffering a torn achilles in late '09 resulting in surgery, back on the water in June '10 after intense rehab, tearing my shoulder apart resulting in another surgery to end the '10 season, and just getting back on the water after another 9 months of intense rehab. Be faithful in your rehab, and don't do back to back surgeries like I did!
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