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Had some fun last night at the lake


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  • Baller_
I was the flash bulb guy in a night photo shoot. Ty O's basketball for a bouy spread in WS mag. The photographer at one point put me in that same spot. Seriously scary having that line just clear your head. Can you say flinch...... Also watched a similar shoot from the dock that did not go well. Subject was a younger skier. Every time she ran a pass the photographer and two others holding flashes kept moving around the ball between passes so they were in different places everytime and startled her every time to the point where she dropped a little slack in the line. Equipment and heads turned out to be ok but nerves were fraseled. Vid looks very cool with the GoPo. Gotta get one of those.
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  • Baller_
The same photographer did a photo shoot of me for WS mag for an article related to skin cancer stuff that I want through. At 32 off I skied something like 12 passes with my wife behind the wheel. Never clipped him. That'll make you keep good form with someone's head on the line....literally. WS mag went with a long distant bright orange sunrise shot of my boat and me skiing. I'm the only one who knows it's really me. :-( I asked which pass had the best photo. He said the first. I said .. well why the heck all the passes. He said.. just practicing/researching dif filters and angles. Oh ya... He uses something like a $7000.00 camera with no water protection.
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