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Help! Need Numbers for a Sixam SS

35 in the bag

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I just started working with a kid (19 yr old) who is on a 66" Sixam SS (I'm guessing here, I didn't note the size and the gal at O'brian said this was the smallest they made....which I found hard to believe...but whatever) (green bottom/black top I believe).

He's pretty small.....maybe 135 - 140# or so. He's a pretty talented skier....into 32 off @ 36 on a ski that is not doing him any favors. It is very "jittery". Off side is biting real hard. We took out .007 in length and .001 in depth. Wanted to move it enough so that he would definately feel the change.....for better or worse. The depth change was an incidental as I gave up after about 10 attempts (the fin box does not have set screws....a pain in the butt that I'm not used too).

Bindings are back one hole (Stratas, I think...again, didn't really look at them).


He was at 6.842/2.514/.741/8 deg (slot calipers)

He is now at 6.832/2.513/.741/8


Couldn't find settings on line so I just now called Obrian. They gave me 6.840/2.520/.800


We need suggested set up #'s and experiance with this ski so we can make sure were in the right ball park as we try to "get this ski under him".


Also his fin may be bent....he said his mom hit it with a car with-in a week of having it (more than a year ago). I told him to call O'brian and that I bet they send him a fin for next to nothing. Don't know that he will (you know kids)........so if any of you have one collecting dust and would be willing to donate it to a poor college kid....let me know.


John Miller - Michigan

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  • Baller

6.843, 2.505, .79 (needle) 67". 8 degrees bindings at 29 7/8 worked well for me on pretty much any Sixam I've owned. If the ski is jittery and turning too hard, you may want to move the bindings forward a hole.


good luck

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