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Ski stuck underneath me


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Coming out of 2 and 4, my onside, I can't seem to get my ski out in front of me, this is causing a less than stacked position on the ski. This starts to appear at 35 off, sometimes 32 off but not very often. Coming into the buoy feels good, and I can get the ski were I want it coming out of my offside. I run a very high percent of 35's this way, and will run some 38's this way as well, but want to run more than just sum. So is this a technique change or a possible ski fin tweek?
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My so-called onside (also 2/4/6) is often where form breaks hit me, so perhaps my experience can be of some value, even though your results are a couple of buoys ahead of mine. (I've run -38 a grand total of 4 times in my life.)


The finish of my 2/4/6 turn has really improved a lot this year, especially in consistency. The number one thing that has helped that is handle control -- keeping the handle with me longer in the pre-turn. With it being the "on-side," I find I *feel* fine even if I push the handle out and drop my hand off way too early. But inevitably, *bad* things result at the finish. If I hold that handle longer, let it out slowly, only release my left hand when I have to, and then ski right back to it, *good* things result at the finish.


Go under the Tech Articles tab and find Bruce Buttefield's article on handle control. It is pure gold.


Good luck!

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  • Baller


You may need to put a little more weight on your back foot with bent knees to push the ski out in front of you after the second wake as you go into the pre-turn.


This goes without seeing video, but it isn't uncommon to stay centered a little too much. Carl Roberge used to be one of the best at "pushing" his ski out in front of him. Watch some old video of him if you can find it.

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I have been unable to ski since I posted this, we've been blown out every day, 45 mph gusts.


Bogan, read the article on handle control and can see were that can help


AB, I'm always thinking of front foot pressure coming off the second wake to get the ski to turn maybe to much, works great on the off-side but maybe I don't need as much on my on-side.


h20shredder, what will shallowing the fin do? I know it will help my ski roll up onto the edge better...

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  • Baller


That is the problem on the onside, you drive that around with the rear foot more than the offside, which is driven by the front toe. After you clear the second wake, "push" the ski out in front of you a little going into your onside turn. It will come around like a banshee and be ready.


To me, shallowing the fin will "free" it up and allow you to push it around, but you may blow it out on the offside, or ski tip down and narrow. To improve an onside turn, I have always thought I needed to move the fin forward or take out length. Your ski has to be close to setup or your wouldn't be skiing into the line length you are at.


I would try a little more back foot weight with the ski pushed forward a little in your pre-turn. If that doesn't work, then try fin stuff.

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Finally got a chance to ski last night, water and air as cooled substantialy since last time I skied, had to put the drysuit on, air temp 48 and water temp was 52. Tried working on handle control and this seemed to help and tried getting the ski out in front of me and this also seemed to help. I found if I squeezed my but cheeks and tightened my abs off the second wake the ski shot out in front of me. I'm going to keep working on both of these. I did not shorten pass 35 off, due to the fact my hands were going numb.
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