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Best waterski (slalom) DVD


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  • Baller

OK, this summer my son got hooked on slalom.

Ran the regular course for the first time (he´s 11 years old) and made huge progress in a very short period of time.

He´s been watching the film "Edged in water" over and over and I was looking for a newer waterski film as a christmas gift.

Any recommendations ?

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  • Baller

Then why not get him "Edged in Water 2". I noticed that H2Osmosis has several videos on their website (Edged in Water 1 & 2, Momentum, Gifted, 32 Accounts). You might consider giving them a call to see if a "package price" for a few of them is available.

You can cut and paste this url (since I'm too dumb to post a link)....


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The Ski Paradise w/ Andy is a good video but somewhat technical. Gordon's 12 slalom drills is an excellent "basic" video that can help build correct habits. Be careful, there is one out there (can't remember right off hand which one and don't want to guess) that has some fairly explicit song lyrics that are not appropriate for an 11 yr old, too bad because it's not a bad video.
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  • Baller

what dont you like about 32 accounts @rico?


back in the day when I was your sons age @DanE I would tape the moomba masters here in Australia every year. Each day there would be 4 hours or so of skiing live on TV for 3 days! I would watch it over and over again. I knew every score of every round of every skier, and could probably have put the tv on mute and done the commentary also! haha

Spending hours in front of the tv watching my tapes of wade, andy, and that young new kid on the block, chris parrish, is probably one of the main reasons why I fell for the sport. Get him every video you can get your hands on!


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  • Baller
I loved the first Edged In Water, but the second isn't nearly as good. I can watch the first one over and over (at least the slalom sections) and it both helps me visualize better technique and gets me pumped to go skiing. The second one just doesn't have enough pure ski video, which is what gets me going.
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