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need help 2008 Prophecy


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Currently riding a 2008 Prophency 68" I'm 5'10 195 righty. At this point I see too many good things written about the ski to give up on it but I am very inconsistant with it and can not get it to turn 2/4 (onside). Not using the plate right now so all I have is hole placement for binding location. If need be I will go to plate for exact binding placement. Please help with binding placememnt and fin settings that might give me a edge on this ski also what is the proper way to measure binding placement becasue im on the enzo boot with moving hinge so not sure where to start with heel. Ski turns pretty well off side 1,3,5. My personal best is running full pass at 22', 36mph. Thanks
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2008 Connelly Prophecy
General Feel Rides Deep in the water. Very stable. Requires a lot of physical strength. Ski seems to be always acquiring more and more angle. Handle control on this ski is much more critical then most.
Heel Side (On Side) Turn Ski is so forgiving in terms of weight distribution that it almost encourages bad habits.
Toe Side (Off Side) Turn Tip naturally rides deep in the water. There is never a question if this ski is going to turn and turn hard. Ski is very forgiving to weight distribution.
Quarks Fin settings are very critical. Stock F1 settings are a good starting point.
From Second Wake to Ball Ski carves a wide & early arc in front of the ball. If you do not control the handle well, you will not get wide.
From Ball to Second Wake Ski continues to increase angle all the way back to the first wake.

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The first year Prophacy that is one of my favorate skis of all time.


It might be too big for you at 36. I am not sure what you mean about not using a plate but you want to use the old F1 settings.

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  • Baller
It's easiest if this is your first time doing it to remove the rear boor or toe piece and measure from the back of the heel rubber on front boot to tail of ski (down the centerline of the ski). If your screwing your front boot to the ski using the holes in the enzo boot plate, pick the set of holes that gets you closest to 29.625".
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