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A Question About Making Good Ski Selections


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A few years back I decided to get more intense into my skiing(this was before even attempting the course) and took the approach of upgrading my ski from the current old school Kidder my dad had. We went with a 67.5" Sixam 2point..thinking it would span between the both of us enough. Little wider and a little longer to accomidate his extra lbs.


Possibly not the smartest choice for improving my skiing looking back at the first few, lets call them passes, through the course. But many lessons later, ski camps and time on the water I like to think my skiing is improving.


I am currently working towards 36 mph -28 off for this year(competitions is the end goal) and am sitting at 32 mph -15 off. Quick stats then..Weight:170-173lbs, Height: 5'11" PB end of last year was 35 -15


My question is then how you know when a ski is too much for you? I have been told to not get a ski which is beyond your capabilities, even mentions that the Sixam2point was too much.


That said, I recently tried out a 66" 2011 Strada and it felt incredibly more smooth and forgiving to me than the Sixam2 ever has. I was just wondering eveyones thoughts on this change to the strada then?


I have read the other forums of experiences from changing to the strada but somehow it doesnt settle the questions I have about my situation.


All opinions welcome

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Strada is one of those skis that works a world record lenghts as well as free skiing. My wife does not run the balls but loves her Strada. It is one of the easy choices on the market.


On other words get that Strada.

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Fwiw, I don't think there really such a thing as "too much ski" for 36/-28. It's definitely possible to tune a ski too aggressively, so I would avoid emulating pro settings and stick to factory (which I recommend for 95% of all skiers anyhow). But for that pass I think you might as well have the highest end ski that works for you.


So go buy that Strada and never look back!

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  • Baller
@Dschofield if I read your email correctly you are currently working on 32/-15 and wondering if the Strada will work. I ski with a guy who is at about that level and your same size and he is on a 66" Strada and it works well for him. He has progressed on it and it doesn't seem to punish mistakes. If you skied on it and liked it I would say go with it.
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