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Norfolk VA skiers - anyone able to pull my son (US Navy)?


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  • Baller
My son is currently stationed in Norfolk, VA. He is 19, a Youngster at the US Naval Academy, but has a temporary posting on a cruiser as part of his summer training. He loves to slalom, wakeboard, wakeskate, etc. Hopefully he will have weekends off, if anyone would be able to take him, it would be a great break from shipboard routine. Caution: he will probably be hungry and may ask to bring a friend or 2, but my experience is that his buddies are solid young men like him that you will be proud to have on your boat. Jeff
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  • Baller
well... Corey Humberg is in VA, Bumpass if I'm not mistaken (love that name for a town!!!). no idea how far, but man would I love to go ski with him! hear some great things about his site and his coaching.
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  • Baller
I lived in Williamsburg for a year in the 90s, and there was a pretty big ski community out on the chickahominy river up around Toano, about an hour from Norfolk. I literally called the local ski shop and they got me in touch with someone...
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  • Baller
There's also a couple lakes in northeast NC which should be an hour or so from Norfolk. I don't have any contact info handy but seems they pull a couple tournaments a year so a quick peak at a Southern Region regional guide should find something. Check out the Google Earth file under the "Home" tab for more info.
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