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The E-Z-Cam


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  • Baller

Alright - so there has been a "revival" in waterski video camera mount systems. I remember checking out the trakker years back.


Quite a few threads if you scroll downwards discussing some options.


A user here @Darren is the proprietor/inventor of the E-Z-Cam mount - http://www.e-z-cam.com/


So based on his very kind offer in a different thread I bit - and recieved the E-Z-Cam mount.


Initial *WINTERMODE* review - involves the consumption of the official Rum of BallofSpray while playing with the mount in my shop.









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  • Baller_

Well, here is the first test of the home built iPad ski tracker (based on the tube design with open top). Aso the first ever YouTube vid I've ever uploaded and posted. The quality is degraded when uploaded to YouTube (maybe there's a way to do this better). Have used several Sanyo Xcat Cams. The iPad 1080p was far superior is sharpness. The actual video is off my iPhone shooting the iPad to show how effective it could be to have the iPad in the boat for instant review from slowing play speed as well as stills. The tracking system worked well. Gonna do what was suggestion and use a little lube in between tube and pylon. Should make it even smoother. So learned 2 things. 1) Building something is fun, especially when it works. 2) Have to work on my skiing but at least now I can see what I need to work on.



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Tried adapting an iPad to my ezcam tube which was very easy, unfortunatly test results were disappointing due to the size of the iPad it not only caught the wind which caused vibration but when the rope tugs on turns it wobbles much more due to its size and weight. We found smaller phones and cameras worked much better. We have abandoned all further developements with the iPad. Good luck on that one..
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Just watched our footage with the iPad which is similar with the wobble yours has, only way we can explain it its like an aircraft wing- the wider it is the more wobble exageration it gets. Stick to smaller divices and results will improve massively. Apple are bringing out a 16mp camera shortly so iPad will be short lived camera wise.


Technology eh :)

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  • Baller

My E-Z Cam was delivered last week from the UK (thanks @darren).


I plan on trying 3 different devices with the mount.


1. Kodak Playsport Z5

2. Droid Razr Cell Phone

3. CASIO 9.1 MP Digital Camera


Once weather permits and the new boat is purchased, I'll be posting footage on the course.


Device is very portable and lightweight. I can already tell the lower mount is going to come in handy because it will be compatible with just about any hand-held digital device. Plus it rotates and swivels any-which-way you desire.

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@davemac and @aswinter05 Because the tube of the e-z-cam prevents the possibility of the rope coming off the pylon, there's no need to have the loop of the previous section on the pylon at all. For instance: If you're cutting from 16m to 14m, lift off the tube and remove the orange section from the pylon. Slip the yellow section onto the pylon and while pulling the entire orange section back towards the skier, slip the tube back over the pylon. ( No part of the orange is now touching the pylon ) Takes about seven or eight seconds, maybe ten if the driver is alone.
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  • Baller

Yup, which is a safe place for it. I am a bit obsessive about keeping that line away from people's feet regardless.


One thing I suspect will be a positive on the e-z-cam is the length of the slot/ears down below the line, and the way they've swedged the pipe inwards towards the pylon.


In Horton's video's of the red type reviewed the other day, it seemed like when the boat was turning there was an awful rattle noise of the camera mount on the pylon.


Further testing will be required of this.

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I am waiting for mine to be delivered. I am looking fwd to the easier set up & change out from Boat to Boat. As, we switch Boats back and forth and my Trakker is just too difficult to switch in a timely manner...


OB is in a Great location to distribute within the U.S. Not, to mention his constant contacts within the Sport...



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Thank you very very much you guys... I really appreciate your kind words and questions :) I have a US distributer (hopefully) now on board who has faith in the ezcam. I hope you all get lots of fun from it and it's everything you expected it to be. It has no negative sides to it as yet. I'm working on fixing the lower mount to the pole at the moment as it has no purpose for the arm to be moved once set in the required position. This is an easy fit- its just a disc of rubber from the rear of the mount to the pole exterior. You can also pour a few drops of super glue onto thelastic ball knuckle for extra rigidity if you wish. The mount will record what the rope tells it to so a lot depends on the skiers smoothness in and out of the turns (it varies massively) other factors are: wind from the bow (keep door jam in place if bowrider) and obviously smooth water helps lots! Other factors include an off centred prop (or imbalance lol)

Just in case you wonder as some have, The mount is not 90 degree. It's not a mistake it compensates for the dead rise when on the plane. It's been set on a nautique for ideal recording averaging 28mph from 23mph the angle stays the same up to max speed (55mph) so if you ski at 36mph it's ideal


Thanks again.


P.s. if you should drop or break any bits I can supply no problem ;) Darren (ezcam)

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  • Baller
Used the mount today for the first time. Works great with iPhone 5 and the go pro. Also tried the go pro with tripod mount (screw) on the top bracket. Gave a great elevated view and will defiantly use this mount with go pro for competition boat video. Its spot on, Highly recommend it.
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WOW! Fantastic words from a real gentleman. It's been a battle getting this off the ground and after fighting my way through the rubbish am proud to have found a partner who is so qualified and tallented in so many different ways (as well as well liked) and is as passionate about this mount as me :)


I look forward to giving as much input as I can and making you guys future boating as much fun as I possibly can (as we possibly can)


www.e-z-cam.com designed by skiers, for skiers

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Got it now- should be more stable than that on the lower mount.. How's it set up? Have you put the loop over the pole direct?and not double tied it? The rope should bite onto the mount opening tightly as tension is taken up- also use some lube or hair conditioner on the pole to eliminate friction (it could be biting too much) It seems there is slack getting in from somewhere which is odd. The loop should open out onto the pole tightly. . Looks like the engine was also causing some interfearence with the camera too. Fantastic editing though :)






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  • Baller
cheers darren. The video was raw footage so would be able to stabilise as well. Ye the rope is set up single loop over the pole. Our boat has a bit if vibration so could be that. Will try on the other response to see the difference. Another factor is the iphone 5 and large case add a bit of weight. without the case i think it would be better. The GoPro is great though, as i suspect lighter means less movement. Will put a bit of duck oil on to add some lubrication.
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That editing is really top class :) don't forget once you have found the right angle for your boat you best to set the bottom mount against the pole, thats where the flickers coming from (the arm) I suggest a piece of foam rubber aprox 10mm thick which sticks from the rear of the mount to the tube, all the latest ones I have now are fixed and work as well or better than the top one. If you send your email I'll be glad to send a photo. Also if you send address I'll be happy to post you (or anyone else this modification for free :) this will stop movement. A drop of super glue to seize the plastic knuckle joint also helps once you get your required angle..


Have a great day.

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