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how many sets before yo uthrow in the towel?


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I skied 2 season on a ski and had great success on that ski, I went from struggling to get out of the water for a 30 mph pass to running -32 @ 34mph in one season. The second season was as good. I decided to try a new ski, last year when I tried it I had mixed results. I figured if I start this season out on it I wouldn't know any better shaking off the cobb webs. I have skied 10 sets and have been doing more starts than buoys. I tried my old ski today and ran more passes today than I have all year? Are some skis just not suited for some folks? I know this is extremely subjective but I was ready to pull the plug on the boat yesterday!
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  • Baller

I am a believer that some ski just don't work for some people. If you were skiing -32 @ 34 mph and have a set back with trouble running -28 @ 34 mph; either the ski is not set up correctly or it just isn't suited for you. I always keep the ski I was coming off of to do a sanity check if I am not getting the results I expect from a new stick.


Sounds like you have done the same and figured out the old ski is better for you than the new ski. Don't fight it; just ski it. You can keep looking without having to commit or be rushed into something that doesn't work for you.

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