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GoPro mount that rides on the rope, adjusts to what ever length you want for sweet footage.


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  • Baller
It's a cool idea but the rope isn't a very stable mounting location and I think that between fast motions, and possible slack I'm not sure if the video you got would be any use as far as reviewing and learning although it would probably be great for promotional videos. I'm personally a fan of the quality and simplicity of giving the spotter a camera and telling them to follow the skier.
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  • Baller

Seems like the gopro would become a projectile when the rope started bouncing on the water.


One more comment - with a GoPro, they have such a wide angle that you can see both sides of the turn when holding the camera still in the spotters seat.

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  • Baller

Some of the latest video... I have a newer setup that will take more of the side to side out.. this was just some good stuff I wanted to share..



More to come from this gent.. he uploaded this last week..



one perk to the rope is that there are no small jitters in the video if the rope is setup proper.. I do have some side to side but some of that is ok.. I will have more later of a setup that should help there..

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That's actually my footage. That was the first test using an older model. I have been talking to @zenxteninc‌ to get it to track a little smoother. I'll post a last weekend ride shortly. I have been playing around with different rope positions and also trying different weights for it. I have it pretty close but didn't have a driver up last weekend do I was at the mercy of a neighbor.
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I wouldn't give up on it yet. Yes it's not perfect but every tweak gets it closer. Hank is onto something with this mount. Have to remember I'm using one that's 4 versions old this next video I tried two different settings and they are both 100x better then the first. also this isn't meant to be a training mount. It's more of a fun camera angle. I think a lot of it the sway is coming from the play in the rope where it runs through the mount and hank is working on a better solution. Give this some time and let's see what progresses.


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  • Baller
ahhh man.. I tried picking up a mastercraft 205 but the guy sold it out from underneath me.. back to the drawing board.. so the latest is mo betta.. just no video footage with it yet I do appreciate you runnin it around while I try to get on the water though cusefan78.. I have tweaked it again since the one I sent you... get some video and we can talk about what I did..
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The new mount is much more stAble. Didn't get a chance to use it get but I did mount it I. The rope and played with it. Much much much better. This week the gf is coming up and so is my two skier buddies on the lake. It's going to be cold but wetsuits will be on and footage will be mAde. I post pics on Monday of Tuesday.
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  • Baller

peep this.. Oh and upside down is an option but not the best option I like seeing less rope and more me..


Looking forward to some more footage Cusefan78.. I have some more changes I would like to make... and bought a boat this last weekend so I may get more done than usual.. :) I do appreciate the support.




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