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Off-season training for tricks?


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  • Baller

I've got a kid in boys 2 whom wants to increase his 800-points trick score during next year. From the looks of it, he needs to improve his agiltiy and flexibility a lot while he's up on his trick ski. He doesn't easiliy adapt to new movements and has a tendency to be rather stiff and is not very pliable on his ski.

Has anyone got any good exercises to suggest for his off-season traning?



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  • Baller

@neddie How cool is a kid who wants to improve!

Most critical is to maintain and develop his enthusiasm. Friends who ski, videos at his level or better, new equipment and just general discussion about the sport will do wonders.

The best way to physically improve is by dry land training. Tie a rope off to a doorknob and practice the tricks he can do - and those he wants to learn. Even better than a doorknob is a rope on a trampoline. It teaches dynamic balance, gives a good workout and is really fun. Try out some really big tricks and runs. Trampolines are so much fun on so many levels. Do teach safety of course.

At 800 points, he is already pretty good. Not good enough for pool training but certainly worth a trip to a warm ski school.

If you start tricking yourself, you will be going through a lot of the challenges with him. Be a good role model dealing with the joys and frustrations of the sport. Nothing is more fun than a double trick spray war with your kids. Enjoy this time with him!


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  • Baller
I too am getting into trick. I do high intensity workout 5-6 days a week. Most of my workouts are geared toward general strength. I have heard you really want a strong chest. Might someone expand on this? Thinking lots of quad and flexibility?
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Anybody actually use the indo/balance boards? If so what do you do on them? Any particular program? Just stand on it every now and then in different positions to work on balance? Incorporate into workout? (squats, etc).


I put my trick ski on the inflatable pad thing yesterday with a handle attached to a basement pole and it was a lot harder to balance on than just the normal board I use for some reason. Then tried to do the back positions (I only just started on a trick ski and just get up, cross wakes, fall) and that was even harder. Not sure if that will translate to the water or not if I get better at it over the winter? Guess it wouldn't hurt.

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  • Baller

If you can't get onto the water - which is by far the best - here are two dryland devices (both homemade) that helped my son:

1) 16 Inch circle of 1/2 plywood with a tennis ball attached (I used a PVC cap) to the bottom center - stand on it with your ski leg and keep the edges from hitting the ground (crazy difficult).

2) 2 trick ski sized pieces of 1/2 inch plywood connected at the the center with a lazy susan swivel - practice your tricks with a handle attached to a pole.


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  • Baller
@tfriess - What actually causes a skier and their ski to rotate is the momentum initiated by the pull of the arms (or leg in toe tricks). Some call it advancing on the boat or loading the ski. My son needed to get stronger to start landing his 5s.
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I just started and only get up and ride a bit so far. I've tried doing a side slide and can get the basics of it anyway. I find though as soon as I turn and break the ski free, it feels uncomfortable/out of control/out of balance etc. I feel like I have to immediately right the ski or I'll be in the water. Is this normal and just something new to get used to or am I doing something wrong? (ie standing straight up when I should still be in a small lean or something).
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  • Baller

@buski, etc. and everyone just starting to trick ski-- be patient because it's extremely difficult but very rewarding once you start getting a few tricks under your belt. Fundamentals include a deep knee bend, very quiet/level upper body and turn initiation starting with the hips and not the shoulders. Controlling the board, rather than the board controlling you is the goal. Also, stay low/soft in the knees during your rotations as the tendency is to stand up and then fall. I've been riding for a few summers now and can trick a bit over 500pts on 1 ski, and things are just now starting to get easier and more consistent. Stick with it and get coaching as early on as possible.


I love just cruising around the lake on the ski informally as well, good times.




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