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2014 Predictions?


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I just posted 2013 BallOfSpray Skier of the Year articles on the front page.


Anyone want to make any 2014 Predictions?


Will it still be all Nate Smith all the time?


Will the ladies overall get even more competitive? 2 way battle? 3 way battle?


Will Freddy continue his jump Reign of Terror?


Will Stephen Neveu show his potential?


What about Asher? We would be stupid to underestimate Asher.

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  • Baller

I think that Smith will up the record once again. I think Asher will be after him more than ever with Freddie right there in the mix.


Hopefully Karina will make a comeback onto the scene and shake up the top skiers (Whitney Karen April ect.) though I think Regina's reign will continue. It's a PanAm year and Regina and Whitney will be going for the titles pretty much head to head.


Freddy is a great guy and I love to see him win. I think with Bojan and Worden rising to the top of the rankings will push Dodd and Scott even farther to keep their hold on the top spots. If Freddy stays healthy I think he still has the talent to stay on top but there are some contenders really wanting to take the spot now.


These are some of my thoughts so far for 2014.

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  • Baller

I expect Winter & Neveu to make a real impact on the big guns this coming season, though Nate will still dominate and almost certainly up the WR. Hoping for Joel Howley to step up also.


I also predict my skiing will go nowhere....a man has to be honest with himself.

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  • Baller
@Zman @Garn is my ski buddy, and I am deciding to use reverse psychology on him this year. After he reads my post, he is going to say, "OH, Hell no Brady" and he is going to work extra hard on making sure he is healthy and all that stuff. So, trust me, love was being shown. :)
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  • Baller

Jacinta Carroll dominated ladies jumping this past year. Do you think her reign will continue or will Natallia come back better than ever with Marion chasing them down?


@rodecon do you have something against the Aussies?

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  • Baller

As a Canadian, I'm crossing my fingers that:

- Whitney will get back on form and pose a bigger challenge to Regina (as in 2012)

- Ryan Dodd will get to the top of the podium even more often when facing Freddy

- Jason McClintock or Trent Finlayson break their tie with Drew Ross' aging Canadian slalom record (4@-41)... and/or get surprised by Stephen Neveu

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  • Baller

Sorry @mattp.......I apparently have chronic fat finger disease, I took care of the inadvertent dislike.

Its pretty sad that the majority of my comments on this forum are apologies for inadvertent dislikes!!!

I will try to be more careful....it must happen when im scrolling on my phone

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