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Vote for Regina Jaquess as the World Games Athlete of the Year


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  • Baller

Regina Jaquess has made the short list for the International World Games Association's athlete of the year for 2013. Being nominated is an accomplishment in it self, but it would be even better if she could win! You can vote once per day (per device).



The World Games is the highs level of of competition with in a multi sport games for waterskiing. It is governed by the IOC and was created for the sports that are not currently contested in the Olympics to have a world stage. You can read more on the World Games here

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  • Baller

I'm not sure how long the voting is open but you can submit one vote per day per device. But also vote once per browser and, it appears, once again if you get on another network.


I was able to vote once today on my laptop on my home connection and again tonight at a hotel. Likewise, IE, Chrome and Firefox all allowed a vote to be cast. 24 hours later you can do it all again.

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  • Supporting Member

Well drat -- I just figured out how to defeat the repeat-voting-prevention (without any special software). As much as I'd love to just vote like a maniac, I think it is my clear moral obligation to inform the website of this deficiency, which I strongly suspect will require that they change their implementation (which may be hard) and then start the polling over again. (There's a tiny chance that they DO prevent the duplication on their end, but it sure looks like I can vote however many times I want.)


Sorry to be the cause of this pain, but frankly it isn't very hard, so my best guess is that somebody else already found this loophole, in which case the voting is totally bogus.


I'll let everyone know if I get any response.

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  • Supporting Member

Wow, VERY disappointing response. They admitted the deficiency and basically are relying on people to be honest, along with a vague threat to disqualify contenders if they detect obvious abuse. I'd like to publish the exact text of the response here, but I think that would be inappropriate, since the natural assumption in sending it to me would be that I am NOT going to publish it to the entire world.


I don't really know how to react to that. I think I may have to stop voting entirely because I can't understand the line between legitimate re-voting and abuse.

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  • Baller_

When on the site, may as well go vote the team poll as there is a US team to vote for, or your particularly country of interest.


@Than: could your response be a language issue, I could see if english not a primary language for the writer, the verbiage can and often does come across oddly.

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(From the SUMO forum)(Naranbat is going to be tough to beat)Assuming you have other people in your household or a tribe of Mongolian relatives inside your Ger (tent) you can also vote daily from different computers or mobile phones and also from different browsers such as Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and whatever they use on those overrated misanthropist designed Iphones that turn pedestrians into zombies because they have to squint at the tiny screens which are designed to break easily. Of course the IFS does not condone any sort of voting yaocho but the site does encourage daily voting.
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