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Any tips for skiing the tail wind?


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  • Baller
I would be interested in hearing what advice people have for skiing downwind, I don't make much of a conscious adjustment other than the initial pull out for the gates which I make earlier in a tailwind. My best practice scores this year have been all tail wind but it I'm certainly not as consistent on my early passes with the wind in my back.
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  • Baller
For me I always feel like I am going a lot faster but in reality I am probly not going any faster. So I ride the tail more to try and slow down but then my turns are less than ideal. So I focus on carrying the handle out and making sure I have good front foot pressure.
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With a head or tail wind you need to adjust your gate pull out but maybe less than you think.


Besides your gate pull out I think that in a head wind, tail wind, cross wind, behind a strange boat, with @MS driving or any other strange condition the solution is the same. It is about just hitting your marks. Stay connected and do that same stuff that you would try to do at your hardest pass.

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  • Baller
Jack Travers gave me a tip that has helped immensely. He said just start for the gate pull out two feet or so wider (ie outside the wake) than normal. Do everything else the same in terms of intensity of pullout, width, turn in, etc. My tail wind passes have a tight line when I remember to do that.
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  • Baller
@Horton nailed it. By and large if I just focus on skiing I don't even notice a difference head to tail wind, with the obvious exception of winds north of 10mph, where I do need to make some adjustments. However, even then most of my adjustments are for the headwind pass -- the tail just feels easy.
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