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Imagine If We Tried To Implement The Current Gate Rules


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  • Baller
Imagine if the slalom course entrance rules had been written differently and the gates were positioned in a way to allow a much broader choice of paths to 1 ball. Shortline skiers would be taking a path very close to the one they do now, but longer line skiers would typically be crossing the centerline earlier than the they do now with the current gates. Now imagine the arguments you would hear if we tried to implement the current gates. Everyone would be screaming that different line lengths take a different path to ball 1 and it is ludicrous to implement a system that would force everyone to cross at pretty much the same point. I believe nearly 100% of the skiers would argue against implementing our current entrance gate system because it is truly ludicrous.
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Check the history for why the gates are where they are now... At one time the course dimensions had the gates the same distance from one ball as one is from two. They 'studied' where skiers were crossing the wakes between one and two etc, and came up with an average (about 88 feet) we use now. I think they made some adjustments on the gate/boat guide width in there too. I'd bet Ed Brazil and others can better clarify those changes?
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  • Baller

Off Topic, I know but, I am amazed nobody has championed the idea of a Five bouy course, to make it fair for lefties and righties, on top of that you could have shorter lakes.

But It's: Entry Gates/Six Bouys/Exit Gates, now I do not know about you Guy's, but various Pro Waterskiers have done a pretty good job so far, if the line gets any shorter, they will join the boat judges, on their way from 1 bouy to 2 bouy.



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@smanski‌ I think you're making a valid and well thought out point. On the other hand please stop


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  • Baller_

I'm trying to work my way up the rope. There are a lot of passes that I don't make and many more rope lengths that I dream about. When I do not achieve what I wish to do, I try to analyze my technique faults. Not once do I say to myself: "Boy, I wish someone would design the course to be easier or change the rules so that I can make that pass". The course is the course, the rules are the rules, and it is my challenge to overcome.


I think it is important to note that we are nearing rope lengths that will be impossible (at least for non-giant skiers) to achieve without throwing the handle into the air before the buoy and reacquiring it after the turn. It does not seem that the course design and rules are holding us back.


Just my opinion.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller


Thanks to @dusty for comments. Yup, back in the back-back, the endgates used to be longer, as in 45 yards longitudinal.


The shortening was first tried out at the Masters about 1963, or sooner. The really good guys, such as Joe Cash, were having troubles getting the #1 buoy right. Joe said that at 30 off, he had to hang out and do a double-turn. They liked the new setup. Those of us from Back in the East thought it was just something to make the course more difficult. And, back when, just getting into any shortline was a big deal. Unless you were Warren Witherell.


Anyway, in my personal opinion, it is just too expensive to have all that focus on judging gates, with the needed video gate deak. Bunch of buck$ spent for the Pagaea Easterns. The whole deal with the tolerances and certifications costs a lot, even without considering the gate situation. The full gate deal is maybe somewhere around $5,000 extra for 2 sites and the video gear. And, I'm a tecchie guy who does this stuff for a living.


I expect that George Vosburgh will have some comments.

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  • Administrators

@smanski sorry man this subject has become painful. I think you have an interesting angle on it but at this point I simply can't care. Not that I don't care. I can't care.


I think a lot of us feel the same way. We have hashed and rehashed this darn thing to death.

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Both the NFL and MLB have both modified their rules over the years to make the game more appealing for spectators. Why can't our sport?

It makes much more sense to the casual tournament attendee to watch someone go around six balls than have to explain that a skier missed the gates. Do away with gates......

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  • Baller

Gates are not a cause of the low number of spectators in tournaments, and explaining the gates to casual tournament attendees is fairly easy: "go between the first two red buoys, around the six following and then between the last two"...



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  • Baller

I personally like the gate rule as it is.... but I wish the technology to enforce it was easier, didn't add to tournament cost and/or could be worked more quickly during the tournament.

Also, might it be more advantageous to only enforce it at a particular level (for example level 5 or level 6 and up) that way it doesn't discourage new tournament skiers or lower level skiers.


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  • Baller

The problem with the current gate rule is that at 39 and shorter, the balls are under the water/out of sight to judge (at the moment the skier goes through them). The problem is not for skiers at longer line lengths. Will the rule change? Probably not. Will we continue to see more and more missed gates in major events? Probably.


Keep in mind, when the rule was made, the ropes didn't even have a 39/41/43 off loop. With the bigger boats now, and the extreme shortlines being run, things have changed.

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  • Baller

@danbirch‌ , out of 6 no gates at moomba, 0nly 2 were at 39 off and shorter.


If the judge cannot see the buoy, the gate is good (doubt favors the skier). As @thompjs‌ stated in another thread, judging gates with video review is not as dificult/diffuse as some believe.

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  • Baller
few interesting things to note from moomba this year. not one skier formally protested their gates being pulled. most of the skiers knew they missed them and I know for a fact the correct call was made each and every time. when showing a certain skier their missed gate following the event, he commented 'when I run 41 in practice I always get my gates, ive never run it missing them'.. these skiers aren't the ones complaining about the rules of gates. But, keep flogging the horse if you wish..
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