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The Return of Wade Cox


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Hey fellow Ballers what a great article Trent Finlayson wrote about Coxy and his return to coaching. I got to tell you that i skied with him yesterday and even though the water was 68 degrees, overcast conditions i had the best ever session. I wrote a blog a few weeks ago on BOS and just let me say this i have a personal best every time i go out there. Give the guy a shout,or send out a note welcoming him back to the water ski world. I know he would love that.
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  • Baller
Back in the 80's when I was in NY, my training partner went down to ski with Carl Roberge. He came back and said he had a great time, and talked about some teenager that was skiing with Carl everyday, and just wait, he will be kicking everyone's tail real soon. It was Wade Cox. My friend was right, a couple years later and he was.
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@AB I went to Wade's "a couple of years later" - your friend was right.


During my friend's college years, he was Wade's training partner. I too was living in NY and was invited for a visit. I cannot begin to tell how amazed I was with his skills. His endurance & focus, hmm... multiple (a lot of) 38s, back to back, spin as soon as possible after the gates and repeat. He technically fell (ski not in contact with the water) at buoy 2 during one of the passes. He held the handle, planted, kept skiing and a couple of buoys later he was back on schedule.


Carl stopped by and asked if we wanted to ride in the boat. We were in the passenger seat before answering. I'm a newbie and now on cloud nine.


They advised in terms I could understand. It was fun to hang with them. Both are gentlemen. I'm glad to hear Mr. Cox is coaching and wish him all the best.

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  • Baller

Wade has a job on April 11th at Ridgewood Lakes Golf! He'll be the one witnessing a Hole In One for the $25,000 prize! Warning--- If you miss the green , he has been known to make some comments.

Come on out and play golf...register now...it's coming up soon!

ps: Carl and Sammy should be playing again this year too!

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  • Baller
Wade is a legend skier and awesome guy...skied a few times with him in MA...good learning and good fun! These are from about 12 or so years ago...with my (then) young son and some friends (on a very cold June day in MA...). Best wishes for his new coaching school! Hope to meet again!
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Skied with Wade at his ski site in February and it was AWESOME!! Conditions were perfect, and more importantly, Wade was an incredible coach. He is more knowledgable than just about anybody in the industry, and he loves working with people of any skill level. In our group we had my buddy skiing into 38 off, and my niece who skied on a single ski for the first time.


Because of Wade's history in the sport he knows about every boat, every ski, and every technique tried since the beginning of time (kidding - but he knows A LOT). He has an easy style, laughs a lot, and LOVES THE SPORT.


We will definitely be back to ski with Wade. He is BACK!!

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Wade is part of the Pro Tour history, for longest runoff. At OWC Orlando one

year, both he and Andy tied and tied again for first place.


I think that happened 4 times. This was buoys at 41 off, with various parts

of 1 and 2 at 41.


Eventually, Wade won, after Andy Mapple "rung his bell" on a fall and couldn't

answer the bell for the 5th runoff. Something else.


Although, in more conventional non-pro skiing, the runoffs for placement at

the 1977 Nationals in Berkeley probably lasted longer. And never fully resolved

all the ties, as the skiers got into impossibly short line at that time, and there

was a tie finally declared. Tech. controller had to add 3 loops to the towline.

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