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Radar Senate - Mini Review


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A 67" Radar Senate showed up this week. I sort of guessed on the settings and took it for a spin last night. Lets just say my first guess at settings was bad. A few tweaks later the ski is pretty darn good. I ran some smooth 32s on it and one wacky 35.


Eddie emailed the real settings today so I will ski the ski the way it should be ridden today and report back.


The short story is if you are not skiing in to 35 or 38 off you are not going to find a better ski for under $700. Is it a world record capable ski? No. Is is a very solid and well designed ski for a lower to mid range skier? Heck Yea! Is it fun? Do you have to ask?


Get yours from Bill at PerfSki


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My Senate Graphite showed up last week. I bought this as motivation to lose 50 lbs and get back in shape. I will never ski this to it's full potential (haven't been on a course in 8 yrs) but had a great time at the Colo River/Blythe this week.


Also, thanks for the website. I took a pic to let the sponsors know their ads on this site work (PerfSki, Radar & Kilo Kai). The guys at Radar and Perf Ski were great as well.




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I rode the 67 today with the bindings are 30" and the following fin settings 2.475 / 6.880 /.765

If you want to run 38 you may need a ski more like the Vapor but this ski kicks ass through 32 off. I was a little beat up today so I did not go to 35 but this ski can get you to 38.


It turns great on both sides, gets across fast and is super forgiving.





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IMPORTANT NOTE - Binding placement is super important. On my first ride I was at 30.25 and the ski sort of sucked. I moved the bindings back to 30 and KaPow! the ski came to life. You may think that since this is not a $1,400 ski that settings are not important... you would be wrong.
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  • Baller

My Senate C was delivered late Saturday. I skied on it Sunday for the first time. I'm a 15 offer. Skied three sets. The second set was an "off the dock" PB. On the third set I beat that with another off the dock PB. I was skiing with Keith (skiep) and he can go into the technicalities a lot better than me but what I felt the most was the tail riding higher in the turns allowing me to be in a better position throughout the course. I also felt it casting out off the second wake like I've never felt before (maybe better position, maybe the ski?).


Absolutely love the ski. It rode in the front seat of the truck on the trip home. Its the first ski that has ever been promoted to the cab of the truck.

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Great work @ctsmith‌ I felt the same on the ski. My body position is absolutely terrible and I am way out of shape. When I even came close to a "stacked" position say 2/10ths of @Horton‌'s pic, the ski did shoot off the wake.


Thanks @BMG73‌ It's always open for visitors. Downside is I'm no where near a lake.

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