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What the The Warp Review would say if I did not need to actually give detailed information.


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Imagine you were born on the planet Krypton and you are a slalom skier. Riding the Warp for the first time is like the first time you slalom on a planet with a yellow sun.


Ok that is not the review but that is the way I felt today. Equaled my all time PB again today.

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@rok there is no "best ski ever" and the Warp has some issues but holy crap is it kick ass! One of the things that is stressing me out is I have no idea what is so good. I just run a crazy number of balls on it.
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  • Baller
It definitely did some things I liked. Like we were talking, I don't think I was in the correct place on the ski. Goodson gave me rear binding numbers but I'm finding with my rtp, those numbers are way off what it would be if I had a rear boot.
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@ShaneH‌ I have not found the fin settings to be super critical. My front binding is a 28 1/2 as per the factory spec. So far the darn thing is just easy to ride. I may try less depth or maybe forward a little to even out off side with one side. At the moment I have to be careful to not take too much out of off side and overload into on side. The off side turns are pretty darn wicked. Even if my settings are not perfect I am skiing right up to my PB pretty often.


On another note I am finally working up a theory about what the ski does that is different. Might just be magic.

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@Horton If that implies that you are still threatened by me, then I am flattered. You've put a pretty good distance between us in the rankings with your improvements in the last few seasons.


But I'm not buying a ski this year. My N1 is working great and there's much more to learn and a few more buoys to run on it. Plus I really want to change my bindings to OB4 and that's gonna take some time, so I don't want the ski to change at the same time.

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