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Letter from Greg Meloon to Big Dawgs


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The level of civility as not what I had hoped for but I was not very surprised either. I am pretty sure that everyone who could be insulted or slandered has been insulted or slandered.


You guys can continue to talk about the event all you but if I think it is unfriendly I am going to suspend your account for a few days.

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If you say that I'm doing this for you "the spectator" is kinda prideful. If you say I'm doing this to see if I can out ski me then that's ownership. Own up and except that the rules allow. None of this unspoken crap, that's an excuse to hide behind. No unwritten!!! If it's in writing then it is what it is. Don't blame shift this to "oh, it's him and not me.


The reality is that nobody really cares what score is put up for you or them. It's all forgotten by next year anyway. It's just waterskiing.


To me, it seems there is a new ski in town and it upset many of the "ol dawgs" Mostly the one who thought he had it wrapped up but wasn't even skiing. Sometimes we have to get away from those we have alliance to in order to see who we really are. Don't let a ski define who you are and what you are about.


Dave M...as i talked with a great friend tonight I told him I never really liked you, even though I never met you. Only because you always stinking win. You are a great skier, one which I would love to mirror. His response....he's a really great guy and is a good man. My response to him dave is, "thank you, you have helped me in my perception of Dave M.". This is integrity.


Skiing is never about who's on shore. It's about being who you are and enjoying that 16.94 seconds of freedom from this crazy ass world we live in. Live it out but don't let it define who you are.


One thing that I know is this world of drama will swallow you up and spit you out, give you a new ski and make you think you are better than you are. bottom line. Go out and ski, the rules are the rules, the judges make the calls, ski it like it's your last time. The guy you skied against was within the boundaries of the rules. Accept that. Smile about it and love it.


If you let skiing define you, emptiness will fill your glass. No matter how good you are there is only one who can define you. Not a company, not a man, not a ski and not a spectator.


To all...enjoy those seconds of freedom we get everyday from this crazy ass world and enjoy life inside the course of living freely from ourselves. Be the one and reach the destiny our creator has for us.





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After making a documentary on Jeff and hanging out with him the past few years, there's no way I can see him calling for a re-ride unless he truly felt there was a problem, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Here's why:


Out of every single person I've ever met in my life, he's one of the nicest and most genuine people. The gaffer (lighting guy) for one of his interviews couldn't get over how Jeff carried himself for being so accomplished.


From what I've observed his priorities are: God, family, his family business, and skiing - in that order.


I hope that anyone who thinks Jeff tried to cheat or "take advantage" of the actual rulebook instead of adhering to the "unwritten rules" considers what I and others have said about his character.

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All these character references, and I know no one and know nothing, reminds of a discussion with Warren Buffet where the panel was praising his ethics and character. Buffett said, to paraphrase, "Let's not get carried away. My life is great. I have everything I need and want. How do you know I wouldn't rob the 7/11 if i needed to feed my family?"
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  • Baller
Unless we're talking about TV pro wrestling... I agree that sportsmanship and integrity in athletics can not be over emphasized. I also believe the officials call is the call. As a volleyball and basketball dad, and a basketball official I would not want players, coaches or fans making or correcting calls. Unless video review is an approved option, than the officials call on the court, the field, or on the pond, is the call. The rules are created through the cooperation of the leadership within each of the organization/leagues, the safety committees and the officials/judges. It is the responsibility of the officials leadership to make sure the officials/judges on the court/pond have the knowledge and skills to perform well at the given level of play. I believe this applies to all levels of sport whether youth, scholastic, novice or professional. Ultimately the league is responsible for creating a fair game and level playing field.
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No offense intended, but I don't get all of the hubbub. Maybe next year - lets give the open men a shot at the night finals- not mid day Tuesday. They deserve our attention even more as there abilities are the paramount of the sport. I realize big dawg scores are about 20 buoys higher than mine and deserve respect, but come on - at the end of the day the pros aren't skiing skirt speed. They are at a completely different level and we should celebrate them.
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