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2015 HO Bindings

Christian Brunner

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2015 HO VMAX

For 2015 HO’s Boot range has been completely overhauled, to make way for a brand new series. In 2015 the HO vMax is HO’s pinnacle in ski boots featuring their groundbreaking new direct connect system, so you no longer need to worry about front and rear boots, but you now have the advantage of a TruFit last so you will have a perfect fitting boot the minute it leaves the box. This last combined with the new marshmallow foam inner and power laces for maximum comfort and the ultimate support, provide HO with one of the most technologically advanced boots available and perfect for any foot.


Key Features:


Direct Connect System, HO’s Newest and easiest boot system

TruFit Last for the perfect fit straight out of the box

Marshmallow Foam for one of the softest all round fits

Power Bungee Laces for the feel of a classic rubber boot with unparalleled support

Power Hook Closure for the best upper boot closure

Power Lace Management for no loose laces





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  • Baller
The vMax boot fits and skis nothing like the Apex. It's a boot and it's black. That's pretty much where the similarities to the Apex end. Try one on at your nearest dealer. I'd love to hear your feedback, positive or negative.

Sam Avaiusini - HO Sports Company - Director of Inside Sales and Business Operations

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  • Baller
@savaiusini‌ I've been on RS1/strada boots with removable liners for 6 years. Every time ive crashed the liners come out and I'm fine. Ive tweaked my ankles on rubber and soft shell fixed liner boots but I'd love to see more in terms of how you would release in a crash in these HOs. They look great.
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  • Baller
I'm a bit bummed with ho for abandoning the exo system and going to another system. I was a big fan on the exo system. I hope they don't abandon this new mounting as quickly and leave people with bindings they can't swap to a new ski. Unless I can somehow order a v type with exo inserts ha ha @savaiusini
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  • Baller

These shoe type bindings are not repairable like the rubber high wraps.


I have seen the Radar RS1/Strada boots age well. Due to my foot size, I first went to Radar Vectors and now HO Attacks. Maybe these tier 2 boots are not of equal quality.


No Memorial weekend skiing for me. A two year old HO Attack binding is toast. Six inches of stitching came out where the front boot attaches to the right side of the foot plate.


Bought the Attacks for perceived better quality. Previously, my 2 yr old Radar Vectors vertically split at the Achilles and had to be scrapped.


May be time to look at D3.

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  • Baller

I took a ride on the Vmax boots today on a v-type, and here's what I felt in one set, on different bindings and ski. The initial impression of the bindings is that they are sleek, light and feel well-build. Mounting the bindings was way easy once I got the feel for it. Only two screws per binding! The secret is sliding the boot forward to get the toe screw in, put the back screw in loosely and then adjusting the fore/aft position and tighten. Overall the binding/ski combo was probably the lightest I've ever picked up, amazingly so.


Getting into the boots was super easy, the new lace system and rear lace holder excellent. Very comfortable out of the box. The boots snug up well without having to crank on the laces, without the sloppy feeling that you can get in a boot with a separate liner. On the initial pass the boots felt a little sharper/more responsive than my normal bindings (HO Apex), but by the 2nd or 3rd pass they felt pretty normal. No cramping at the ends was a definite bonus in maybe 60 deg water. I didn't get a chance to test the release, but with the bungee laces I would guess it to be similar to the Apex's. At the end of the ride releasing the laces and getting out of the bindings was way easier than the Apex bindings. The only change I would maybe make, other than fine tuning the binding position, would be to maybe try to blow out the little toe pocket of my back foot to accommodate a "sixth toe" from snow skiing.


As far as the ski goes, it was fresh out of the plastic, no calipers to check the fin or anything. My usual ski is an A2, and the V-type felt faster through the wakes, and easier to get under the rope coming out of the turn. The offside was fantastic, the onside will need a little adjustment to tighten it up, possibly just by adjusting the binding position slightly. The feel was easier skiing and faster than the A2, but a little more responsive than the A3 I demoed last year. Also, this is about the 8th set of the season, slightly breezy, cool air and cold water, still just working through warmup passes.


Overall, I would say both the bindings and the ski show a lot of promise and I'm looking forward to trying them out as the water warms!

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  • Baller
I really can't say - it was straightforward to mount and tightened down securely with no apparent gaps. The screws are bigger than the standard binding screw, but, there is only one in the toe area and one in the heel area. 3 slots give you the ability to adjust the binding side to side and fore/aft. The base is pretty thick plastic or composite and the screws go into inserts. I'm sure HO tested it under strain, and at 28 off I didn't notice any untoward flex. Probably the biggest thing is it doesn't look like you can use them on anything but a new HO at this point.
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