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Length matter?


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  • Baller
I'm 190 - 195 on a 67 radar skiing at 34 mph. I run 35 about half the time. Thinking about moving to a 68 lithium. I can over pull from time to time and have a lot of speed at the turn. Besides I like the blue better than the green. I've move my fin to .730 DFT. Thoughts.
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  • Baller

I am 254 and the 68 is very skiable for me.

I would ski on the shortest ski as long as it holds edge and doesn't sink in the preturn. They turn better when pushed hard. Just my 2c.

So a 67 sounds legit for you. You can make it run out more with binding and fin setup. But making a bigger ski turn is not so easy because it is just big.

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  • Baller

My 68 Vapor is 73,112,144,168 which is pretty run of the mill flex. I go along with a bigger softer ski if you want to "supersize" your ride. All I know is when you get out the ocean going 69 and bigger skis, they are all stiff and don't turn well in close quarters. My friend runs into 41 and is always trying shorter skis and skis on the shortest ski as possible. Seems to work for him.


Report back on how skiing like Nate works for you, anyone.. please! No one skis like Nate IMO.

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