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Comparing Styles


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Myself and my ski buddy both consistently run 55kph 18m but struggle at 58 kph. I edited this side by side video to see where our strengths and weaknesses were relative to one another on a typical 55kph 18m pass. I was surprised by how differently we ski. It appears that I (left) take better angle out of the buoy but Mike (right) maintains much more momentum through the turns.


What do you think we should each work on? Really appreciate the ballers help.


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all i get from the split screen is you will both be so much happier when you get down the line 2 more passes. The red loop is just painfull
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skier on the Radar is going way too hard off the ball. Lots of load but not a

lot of control

Skier on D3 needs to let his arms out and be less compliant with his legs.

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Going 'hard off the ball' is the only way I know to get across the course with sufficient width. Admittedly it wasn't a tidy pass, big wheelie at 2 didn't help, but how would one get across with less effort? The skier on the right (actually a Radar Vice) puts in less effort and gets the same result. Not sure how he does this. It just looks like he never really slows down.
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nice job @moggie!


just a note: I always video from the very first movement set up and gate pull out, I believe this dictates the style and course i.e. start from the troff, wake or the flats?, does skier loose balance or momentum on there gate pull out? this is often overlooked. I personally try to have skiers start in the flats (white water to the left of the boat) pretty cool that both skiers have completely different styles.


mint skiing from both these guys.


observations on Mr Radar skier:


-The first movements and 1 ball is dictating the course and style.


- on his gate glide the water is breaking between his binders (too far back), i suspect from the straight front leg/ankle. This in turn means his first movement to the gates is backward (frame 0:05 moving the ski like a windscreen wiper) which dictates that course management. This then translates to going hard as the skier is committed/stuck and has to shift weight to the side. id advise getting allot softer on the ankle/knees on the glide. this will engage allot more ski on the turn in, meaning he won't need shift back then to the side when he's behind the boat. (on the gate glade) Get the weight balanced between feet and shift hips not shoulders to engage the ski onto the edge.


-The above has a knock on effect to 1 ball, because the load isn't progressive, he edge changes a little late this then means out the back of the ball its defensive skiing and on the back foot. (frame:007) onside turn should have more ski in the water.

might be worth checking the rear binding tightness, if too tight the brain/CNS gets more response/feedback and uses this as its frame of reference or sets it as a priority.


a strong skier that if directs his strength efficently could easily get down the rope.

a slight change in approach and positioning would see a massive change, really good work load behind the boat.



Mr D3


-I would love to see more of his gate, as it looks like he's got a 1 handed gate, with a 2 handed setup. Got a nice setup into the wakes, could possibly benefit in driving through them as apposed to lifting off and trying to edge change that soon. 55-18 the ski will slow quickly.


- needs to insure his hips are in line with shoulders, at the moment his hips are trailing, because he's a light skier he can get away with it. its possible he's light on the line because he's not got his hips.


- Into 1 ball i would say he needs to stay on the handle a fraction longer, and allow the ski to cast out and come back with angle at the back of the ball. "ski back to the handle" he's getting back on the handle a smudge to soon and shutting the ski down at the back of the ball. Meaning ball to wake he's skiing bent arm which in turn causes his chest to come forward and hips to drop back. he can mange this now but will struggle when the rope gets shorter.


-I might be wrong but i think he's looking at the buoy, which drops the head, chest a looses hips.

interested to ask him where he's looking on the edge change?


Nice light skier, with good efficient style (with hips), strong onside turn.

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