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Hips forward


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One of the key things I am currently struggling with is keeping my hips forward. Im just about getting round the whole course now, but feel this is holding me back slightly.


any tips or tricks to stop sitting down, and pushing the hips forward?

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I recently struggled with this and the solution for me was to concentrate on keeping my shoulders back. Hook a handle to something (on land) and get in your ski position. If you let your shoulders roll forward your butt will drop. Roll your shoulders back and it will keep your hips up. Hope this helps.
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  • Baller

Thanks for posting @coxjon , I'm working on form also. The handle to hips wasn't too bad of a transition. However, the stand tall, hips up has been a little more difficult. These folks on here make it look too easy!


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  • Baller

This is a topic that was widely discussed and focused on at our clinic here last weekend with Trent Finlayson.

Even the best skiers here needed to find how and where to keep their hips up. Along with keeping your hips up handle control is huge.

If you lose the handle after transition and it gets away from your hips good luck getting it back. Especially on longer lines where you have to work harder.

Understanding this from Trent last weekend has taken me up 2 mph and increased my buoy count.

Here's another thought for you guys from Trent too.........thinking of your hands and where you want them at the end of the turn so you can exit the turn aligned and stacked...........you exit the turn in the same position you enter it!!!!!!


It's true!!!!

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Lately I've been doing a lot of free skiing and sometimes I stay on the water for up to an hour or two just running imaginary passes and what I found I need to try conserve energy for the long period of skiing. I naturally started getting my hips more forward because there is less effort involved in wake crossings with my hips up than rather slightly behind, now I ski hips up and stay connected to the handle out of habit. I also fixed my tail riding turns like this because those lead to a huge hit out of the turn (more efficient from an energy consumption perspective to just wait for the ski to turn). My body naturally found the path of least resistance which happens to be a good stacked position
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