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Everything posted by SirDukey

  1. my thoughts are that you are feeling an otf because the boat is pulling you flat as you travel over the wakes. Think about going into 1 ball early and wide, keeping two hands on the handle and keep it close, while in the preturn try bring your inside hip forward as you start letting the handle out with two hands, keep you front knee bent as you do this, let go of the handle at the buoy line and let the ski come around, only grab the handle when it gets back to your hips, now you should be close to the wash and you can lean. Essentially this is a breakdown of not taking the handle early. Ski setup made a huge difference for me too at -15@34
  2. As a skier in South Africa I have been tricking for a while without even knowing what the names of the tricks are, I find tricking is great fun and would really find any information to be useful no matter how basic it seems. The number of people that I can get trick advice from is very few and far between down here.
  3. Lately I've been doing a lot of free skiing and sometimes I stay on the water for up to an hour or two just running imaginary passes and what I found I need to try conserve energy for the long period of skiing. I naturally started getting my hips more forward because there is less effort involved in wake crossings with my hips up than rather slightly behind, now I ski hips up and stay connected to the handle out of habit. I also fixed my tail riding turns like this because those lead to a huge hit out of the turn (more efficient from an energy consumption perspective to just wait for the ski to turn). My body naturally found the path of least resistance which happens to be a good stacked position
  4. Last year I stepped into the boat and somehow sprained my ankle, session cancelled, very annoying
  5. Hi, Im really not at your level of skiing so forgive me if I say something that's incorrect, this is my first comment ever on BOS. I am LFF and also experienced a similar pull out to yours. Firstly if I look at your train of thought before you edge out "Weight on the front foot, hips up, elbows on the vest, arms straight, fingers relaxed, handle low, ski close to the wake as possible " Believe it or not but I have exactly the same thoughts before my pull out, only difference I made which helped me was I also think about what my back leg/foot is doing and I try to keep my back leg a bit straighter and the heel down (no weight on the back leg though), I saw a post from Horton somewhere on straightening the back leg to help get more front foot pressure and it has definitely helped my pull outs. I was probably lifting my back heel a little bit and putting pressure on my back foots toes, causing my hips to drop back a bit without even knowing it.
  6. Howzit! My name is Mike Duke, from South Africa. I ski at a ski club in Benoni called Skiworld about 10min drive from my house. I'm 32 and have been skiing since I was 8 years old but have never tried the course until Jan this year so I'm still learning the basics but I did make my first six balls on Friday. I use a 2007 Connelly Concept so far so good.
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