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Feast Your Eyes: The New Syndicate is Coming...8.11.15


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HO Skis is yet again pushing the envelope of product design and innovation with the 2016 line including the next generation Syndicate Ski. Join us on 8.11.15 at US Nationals in West Palm Beach, FL where we'll be releasing the all new Syndicate! Until then, feast your eyes on the future.

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I liked the 15 ski a lot. I know what I thought could be better and have heard that is what the same stuff they worked on. My expectations are very high.
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My spy network** inside HO is not as good as it is at other factories so call this informed speculation.


I understand that the V-Type R is a whole new shape, rocker, flex and whatever – based on the V Type. I think the 15 V Type might the best HO since A1* so if the 16 ski is better it is going to be darn good.


*I set a BP on the 67” S2 and like it but understand the 66” version was way better/ the CO-X was a very good and under rated HO - it was not branded as Syndicate.


** The darn Brown brothers @MarcusBrown @matthewbrown never tell me crap. You would think I could get at least small leaks from them but no.

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@gginco It's not completing the onside turn seems to head down course a bit. The off side is unbelievably good. I moved it forward 5 thousands and it did help, but I felt like I lost width. I guess I'm going to try moving my rear boot back next. Suggestions??
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A few of weeks ago, Will was on that light gray ski in Austin. It is a prototype of some sorts. The bottom of the ski clearly showed a seam lengthwise as if the ski was widened by about 1/8 of an inch from sweet spot to tip. Also, the upper bevels on the tail were clearly modified. The top graphic was just like in the photo above. Maybe it is the inspiration for the 2016 ski. Maybe it is just Will's favorite Frankenski. Whatever it is, he skied exceptional on it.
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I've noticed that Asher uses a Power Shell boot on the Reflex system. I have made one too 7 years ago, but never tried it, I'm thinking of giving it a go this weekend dko4mh3mz00e.jpg

No need of any modifications to fit my current setting, I'll just change the shell.

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@skiboyny I would go back to stock fin and move the bindings forward or backward from stock until you have turn symmetry. From there move the fin if necessary but I bet you won't have too hardly at all.
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having bought a vtype earlier this year, I've got to say this is disappointing. I understand perfectly well that new skis are always being developed, but an all new shape after one year puts my investment into an HO products well behind the 8 ball...


I like my vtype for sure, its not perfect but to come out with an all new ski to replace it less than a year later is suspect and leads me to believe they released the vtype too early. the resale on them is not great as far as 2015 model sticks go already... oh well, I do like the ski, guess I'll be on it for some time lol

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I agree @Chef23 especially with the sort of forces that Will Asher would put down through the ski, would be interesting to know how they do it, I cannot see them just sticking two bits together, surely must have some dowels or some other arrangement to give some strength to the ski, in saying that, in the photos does look rather crude though, but there again you do not often see a pro with a nice shiny ski, most of them covered in stickers and some look pretty battered.
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@Stevie Boy @Chef23 I have a ski like that from another manufacture. Bondo and carbon layers work wonders. @skialex Will uses a reflex shell that has a alum buckle on the bottom.


@wtrskior I would not loose faith in HO they are always making improvements to each model. Just because your exact shape did not last a few years does not mean it was not the shape they started with for the new one. I'm sure the guys at HO would love you to buy a new one and upgrade when they come out.

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@MattP I just put a Goode and a Reflex shell side by side and zoomed in Will's picture and compared them, I'm really sure that this is a Power shell boot, at least the part shown at the picture maybe the upper cuff is something else. Anyways it is not very important but it's a good opportunity for me to digg and find the one I made 7 years ago and try it on.

Have a great season and if I use it I let you know how it went!


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This is simply the V type evolving. The other companies do the same thing. I would be disappointed if a company wasn't trying to improve. @ToddL not sure we will let you back with your camera next year. That pvc ski rack on my Polaris is a proprietary design and I didn't want that on the web.
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I've also noticed that carbon is visible on the bottom of the ski and to me it looks a lot better than the Vinil finish.

Probably because it is easier to make changes such as sanding the bevels or adding Bondo on a carbon surface rather than on a Vinil sheet.

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@mattp I'm sure they would like that, but I'm on to them! I am actually fortunate I bought my vtype used a few months ago... Its for this very reason I won't buy a new ski. I just hope others aren't as frugal as I am :smiley:
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@wtrskior boots and fin are right on the money. Used the numbers in Hortons review. Very anal about that. I'm going to try shallowing up the fin as @Horton suggested. As I read the descriptions of too deep a fin it seems that might work out without affecting the many things that I really like about this ski. Now if only the wind would stop blowing!
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@Horton @skiboyny When I say set fin to stock and then move bindings I'm only talking about millimeters. I subscribe to the theory that it's really difficult to find the sweet spot for your own particular style, weight, height, etc. by adjusting the fin. I believe it's binding first to locate your own independent sweet spot then you can fine tune its responsiveness with fin tweaks.
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@Horton asked me to chime in on this thread last week, but I'm just now able to reply despite almost spilling the beans a couple weeks ago...


Here is what I can tell you about the new 2016 ski:

Yes, this is the ski Will rode to 5.5 @ 41 at the Malibu. It is called the V-Type R. It comes from a completely new mold and is totally redesigned from the top to bottom. That said, it is not a complete departure from the 2015 ski in terms of how you ride it. We've added a good deal more tip rocker and slightly added to the tail rocker. Similar flat spot under the front foot like S2 and V-Type. Additionally, we've extended some width to the front of the back foot and taken some width out of the shovel (if you look closely at Will's ski in the photo above, you can see it's split down the middle from the tip down to the front boot). The flex characteristics are very similar to the 2015 model and ski is a couple ounces lighter than earlier models due in part to a newly developed carbon fiber Speedskin material.


I weigh ~185lbs and ski 34mph...I've been riding a 66" test ski for about a month now and honestly it is the best ski I have ever ridden; especially in terms of predictability. The tip stays down in the finish of the turn and the ski produces amazing angle/width without overturning. Within my first two days on the ski, I had a new practice PB; 3 balls better than my previous.


The ski will be available in 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 and will come in three colors (all three will be the same core and layup): Black with Copper, Ghost White edition (seen in Will's photo above) and Hornet yellow.


We'll be unveiling the V-Type R at Nationals next week. Initially available will be the Black/Copper 66". Remaining sizes soon to follow.


Sam Avaiusini - HO Sports Company - Director of Inside Sales and Business Operations

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@savaiusini I thought I seen a post of yours that said v-type r then it was deleted lol. New ski looks interesting. I'm guessing that this fully replaces the v-type. They won't be offered side by side. Also any binding updates for 2016
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@rockdog 66 seems to be working well for me, but I'll probably switch to a 67 at some point.

@Ilivetoski the V-Type R will retail for $1650. The 2015 was $1520.

@fox197 Yes, this replaces the 2015 V-Type. Boots are updated as well. Lower lace zones get a static lace. VMax boot gets a taller cuff with more lateral stiffness and we've added a new rear boot option called the Chop Top which is a hybrid between a RTP and a full boot.

Sam Avaiusini - HO Sports Company - Director of Inside Sales and Business Operations

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@Horton set depth at 2.485 defiantly a positive change. Had my best set yet. No negative consequences. On side is almost as dependable as the off side. Need to ski it a few more times to see if I need to look further. Many thanks for the "wild guess"...
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