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Looking for Skiing in Vermont/ Washington D.C.


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Hi guys,


I'm moving to Vermont in a few days and will be staying there until I move to D.C. permanently in January. I was wondering if anyone skis in either of those areas/ knows of any clubs in those areas (I'm not sure what the waterskiing scene is like in VT, or if anyone will be skiing there this late in the season, but I figured I'd at least ask). I am relatively new to the sport, have not skied the course yet but am dying to start trying. Looking forward to hearing your responses,



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  • Baller

Try @vtjc .

He's your man for Vermont ski infos!

Lots of lakes.

Leaving Vermont at the peak of snow skiing...Sad.



Edit:Where in VT ?

I could hook you up with Montreal guys if not too far and willing to come Canuckland...

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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@Andre Yeah it kinda sucks. Planning on making it back up frequently though for snow skiing.


I'll be in Burlington, VT, so only about 90-100 minutes away from Montreal (assuming little traffic). I'd be more than willing to make the trip to get some more skiing in.

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  • Baller

The only tournament in VT was just held on August 29th. On Wrightsville Reservoir in Montpelier.


This is the Email address of a key person to contact:



Sanction # is 16E016C. Internet link:



VT used to be active in the Mt. Snow area, with a Regionals held about 1970. I worked and lived

in VT for a while, before moving to New London, NH and "Ultra Pond". Depending on how

hardy you are, the water ski season runs about May through October.

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  • Baller_
Look up Bernie Sanders. Not sure he is a skier but maybe you can share rides back and forth between DC and Burlington. Seriously, @bbruzzese posts here and he is a Vermonter. In Washington, Lake Holly and Timberlake are two nearby ski clubs located in Sparta,Va. Corey Vaughn is a pro skier with a ski school in Bumpas, Va.


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