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The passing of Andy Mapple was the most significant water ski news event in 2015


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At the end of each year, BallOfSpray recognizes the skiers who made the biggest impact on the sport for that year. In 2015, there were certainly a few newsworthy performances, but the event that overshadowed everything else was the untimely passing of Andy Mapple. No event in the modern era of water skiing has shaken the sport as much. To honor Andy, BallOfSpray asked Ellie Horton to interview the people who knew Andy best and to write a few words about how he is being remembered.


That article can be seen here


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  • Baller

In 2005, when Andy had a go at running pro skiing events, I worked both the one at

Flushing Meadow, NY and the famous/infamous one at Dousman, WI. Doing the setup

stuff for them. Unfortunately, 2 tournaments was it, as he and family found out what

a huge undertaking it was.

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  • Baller

Great article. I only met Andy once at Nationals and just talked to him for a few minutes when his skis first came out. I always hoped to ski with him at his site in FL and am sorry I didn't make it more of a priority.


@elliehorton that was a beautiful and well written tribute.

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  • Baller

@horton you say you will never forget, you say you remember his laugh and his smile, you say remember that time when. Send his family a hand written card.


So this is only funny to me because it seems so counter-intuitive, but it's the only time I met Andy...so:


My buddy Gavin made me stay up WAY too late and drink WAY too much gin the night before our clinic with Andy, so I wasn't exactly chipper. I skied ok, and I remember Andy had the arms of a condor as he demonstrated in the boat...just terribly long and fluid.


As many of you may know, I pull like an ox behind the boat and hang onto just about anything. Andy is instructing me at the end of the lake and I'm not getting what he's saying so I ask him to say it another way. With his British accent he yells; "Pull harder you wuss!"

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I had the good fortune of meeting Andy in 2012 when he was working on the AM33. Over the next 3 years, I was able to go down to Florida and ski with him close to 20 times...I skied on almost every ski he made, and loved them all. I knew that Andy was the best ever - I had watched him since the mid 1980's. But...never once did I feel like he looked at me any differently than he did his pros. When I was at the lake with Andy, it was just friends hanging out and skiing...just like at home, but with the greatest of all time.


I have many wonderful memories of Andy, but a weekend in June of 2013 stands out the most. I was skiing on the 6.0 at the time, and loved the ski, but was in a bit of a slump. Rather than just sending him video, I decided to just drive down and ski with Andy. I arrived on Thursday night, and took a set with Aiden, Nicole, and Chris (Andy was at a meeting)...it was horrible. I don't think I ran 32 off. Friday morning, Andy looked at me and asked what was my issue. We talked a little, and he asked if I was willing to try something different. Of course, I was, so I handed him my ski and told him to change whatever he wanted. He knew that I did all I could to promote Mapple on social media, so he looked at me and said "you can't post anything about this." I had no idea why he would care if I told anyone he was helping me, so I agreed. He opened his bag, and pulled out a 6.1 - a ski that had not been released. He said "just ride it and see what you think." I ran my opener, and ran it again coming back. Andy stood up and told me to give him the ski. He did something, and I put it back on...wow... We shorted up and I ran easy back to back 32s. He made a couple of comments, and pulled it in, and I ran back to back 35s...ended with 4@38 and went back to the dock. We skied again Saturday, and he asked if I wanted to ski Sunday morning before I left. Of course I said yes. Andy had my ski, and showed up with it painted solid black, so I could take it home. I skied one set, and was so stoked about the ski. It was just Andy, me, and my daughter and a friend out there, so when Andy got his ski out, I assumed someone was coming to pull him. He looked at me and said "would you mind pulling me? I want to try something out." I'm a decent driver, but at the time had never pulled anyone past about 3 at 39, and I told him that. He smiled, and said "you know how to drive." The wind had picked up - so much that if I was at home, I probably would have bagged it. He ran his 32 in to a strong head wind, and sat at the end...thinking. He looked up and said "give me 38." Tail wind 38 without a hitch, and he dropped the handle at the end and was back next to the dock. I assume he wanted to change something else and was done, so I idled next to him. He looked up and said "let's go to 39..." The 39 felt much like the 32 from the driver seat, and he pulled out and sat, thinking again. The wind had settled a little, but it was still howling pretty good. I asked him if he wanted to do that again in a tail wind, and he told me to pull it in to 41. He got 4@41 and went to the dock, and, watching the video, don't know why he didn't run it. When I got to the dock, Andy thanked me, and told me the pull felt good. THAT was one of the best memories I will ever have in skiing.


I had spent the entire weekend skiing there, and was the only one there that was not a Mapple employee or team skier. It was Andy, Nicole, Aiden, CP, and me...and the last day just Andy and me. Beyond any fantasy weekend ever. I changed in to dry clothes, and packed up my truck, including the new ski. I went over and chatted with Andy a bit, and asked him what I owed him for the ski, and all the skiing. He looked at me and said "we'll just call it a swap." He would not let me pay for even gas in the boat.... As long as there are Mapple skis, that's what I will ride...


I miss my friend.

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I have "Andy Mapple" shorts, too. They are my boardies that are just like a pair he had. I'm superstitious about 'em...seems every time I run really well I get back in the boat and realize I have 'em on. Ran 38 the other day...sure enough had my Mapple shorts on.
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Here are a couple of my experiences with Andy:


The first time I saw him live was the 1989 Worlds in West Palm Beach, but didn't really meet him.


In 1991, we went on vacation to Germany and planned the trip to be in Villach, Austria for the Worlds slalom finals. Andy tied with Lucky L. and Mike K. with 2@39. In the run-off, Andy could not match Lucky's score, but waved to the crowd and was the first skier to Lucky to congratulate him! I was most impressed with his sportsmanship! I met him about 30 minutes later and when I shook his hand, I noticed his entire hand was calloused. I ask him "how do you grab the handle?" to which he responded "Any way I can!".


At the last Nationals we hosted at Okeeheelee, I was pulling practice and got to pull Andy who ran up the line to 3@41. Later in the vendor tent, I asked his critique and what he though I could do better as a driver. He was happy with the pull, but spent a few minutes going over what he felt and and gave me his tips for improvement. His memory of the (just a practice) set was amazing and I was most grateful for the feedback.


He touched many lives in this sport and certainly left a lasting mark on the water-ski world!

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I had the privilege of meeting him and watching him compete in 2014, more than happy to stop and pose for a photo. We visited his site a few days after and both Deena and Andy were happy to take my 11yr old boy out in the boat with them while they skied a client.

Very down to earth and approachable family, fond memories.


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In 1992 I came to be employed by The Correct Craft Boat company. Part of my job back then was to support the Team skiers boat's that resided in the Orlando area. I received a work order to go out to Andy and Deena's place somewhere behind Disney World. At that time there were no Cell phone's nor GPS. I was given rough directions to a place called Lake Hancock??? Well after driving around for what seemed to be an hour I Finally found this turn in and an old house trailer next to the lake. I went around back to find Andy trying to get a fully wrecked propeller off his 91 Team boat. After servicing the boat and replacing the propeller we splashed the boat and Andy asked me if I would not mind pulling him for a practice set. I was so nervous and at that time we were hand driving and utilizing either hand held timing or one of the automatic timing system's. So here I go

out of the fry pan and into the fire!!! I really don't remember much of what happened after that as I was very concentrated on my driving, however apparently I did a adequate job. I had my first ski set after that with Andy however Deena by then had showed up and took over the driving duties.. That was the day I realized why Andy was so good as Deena did not mess around at each end of the slalom course.... Drop shorten up and go and I am here to attest that She liked to push the throttle.

From that day on I had a ski Budd and life long Friend. Andy would call me from time to time to come out and work on his boat and take a ski ride, Speed control came into play and I found myself interacting with Andy and many of the worlds top Athletes. Working day to day With Andy for many years on Nautique development was a very exciting time for me. Andy utilized me and Stephen as slalom ski tester's when he came out with the SixAm series.

Every year now I have a reminder of the passing of my friend, Aug 23 is my birthday and I was notified last year on Aug 23 that Andy was gone.

A long time has passed since my first one on one encounter with Andy but in reality for me it seems like yesterday!

Greatest Of All time!!




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