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Wally sinker course


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  • Baller
We lost the ability to have a permanent slalom course on my public lake. Thankfully I still the option to ski a friends private lake but would love the ability to ski the course whenever I want to. Was wondering how deep a sinker course really needs to be to be safe? I think the shallow end of our course is around 4-4.5 feet deep and the deep end is probably 7 feet and all a soft muck bottom.
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  • Baller

You won't be able to do it with a Wally sinker setup. You need about 10 feet or more of water to properly sink buoys out of the way and for the PVC to be deep enough for the boat path.


There are other options that I've seen on here but they involve a surveyed course with individual anchors.

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  • Baller

Didn't know you had to have authorization for something under the water. It's a fairly relaxed lake but I think someone complained that this course was in the way even though it's in an area where almost no one goes. It was approved years ago but the main users left in the pursuit of their own private lakes and abandoned it before I got here. I put it back with sub buoys and all and this last December someone complained and it was deemed a navigational hazard. The sub buoys are likely still in place since they were 4+ feet underwater and I know those guys didn't go swimming in December to remove them.


In fairness, I should've asked for permission first but most stuff on this lake gets a blind eye turned to it until someone complains so that was my rationale and it worked for a while.

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