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Senate Lithium vs Supernate CX?


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I was going to place the order today for the Radar but can't quite push send yet. I am a 66 year old guy that skies at 32mph and and gets into 28 on occasion. Not being near a pro shop skiing on either is not an option. I was sold on the Senate but after reading some reviews on the HO I am not quite so sure. I realize any input is very subjective but I would appreciate some alway. Thanks in advance.
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  • Baller
My ski buddy is 73. He's been on a HO Superlite TX for two seasons coming off a Monza. He skis 30mph and consistently gets 3-4 at 35 off. His average went up almost two full passes - about 11 buoys within a couple months of changing skis. @savaiusini can weigh in with more expertise.
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  • Baller

Something tells me that these both are more than good skis.

You will be satisfied with any of them.

I was also in front of that dilemma and went toward CX. Mostly for aesthetics reason. Do not regret a second.

Looks and feel in hands like a toy - thin and graceful.

Holds you on the track like steam locomotive.


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@Tdub, I love my 2015 cx sl, which I have been on for a little over a year now, prior to that, a tx sl. To be honest, I'm not sure which i was skiing better on, the cx, or tx., but I am sticking with the cx. Good luck.
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  • Supporting Member

Response from a hack/15 offer.


The best thing is there is probably not a wrong choice between the two. Both have the "guts" of the highest level ski from each manufacturer.


I ski the Senate Lithium and LOVE it. Had the S Graphite first, but went to the S Lithium due to my weight and desire to get the PVC core. Both were very stable and forgiving, but the Lithium is just downright faster.


I also have the TX Superlite (wider version of CX). Also, a very very fast for a big ski. I love to ski it too. It has Basic bindings so anyone can ski it. Everyone is amazed, if not scared, if they come out of a turn stacked. One of my ski partners has the CX Superlite and it allows him to ski over his abilities. Superlites are a quick.


I could see you enjoying either ski. Both are great, and given your ability both would have a very short learning curve.


Both skis are way above my ability, but I do love the material/make-up of each and think the dollars spent are well worth it. If you can buy used, you could probably resell it without much downside if you are not happy.


Sorry to be "down the middle" --- but know, you are shopping in the right bucket.

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  • Baller

@Tdub Just this week, we expanded our Syndicate Demo Program to include the Superlite CX and Superlite TX. In my opinion (and yes, I'm biased), anyone skiing the course between 28 to 32 mph should consider these skis. These skis are not simply wider versions of our top-end Syndicate line. They are purpose-built designs for their intended skier, i.e. someone who skis the the course, but also want's bad-a$$ ski for open water ripping up to 34mph. To give a rough idea on width, the CX and TX are 0.14" and 0.33" wider across the front inserts than the VTR respectively. They share the PVC core and full carbon layup of the Syndicate line, but in a slightly more user friendly shape and rocker profile. Visually, aside from being beautiful skis, the biggest thing you'll notice is our clean-edge tail design which reduces drag by creating lift in the back 12" of ski.


These skis are the unsung heroes of our slalom ski collection, although that tide seems to be rapidly changing. By now, many of you along with 26K+ others have seen the

I took of Will running 34/-41 on this ski.


Run, don't walk to your nearest dealer and pick one up!

Sam Avaiusini - HO Sports Company - Director of Inside Sales and Business Operations

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  • Baller
IIRC from the Radar brochure, the flat spot in the rocker with the latest versions of the Senate is much longer than with the Vapor, thus making it more stable. Is that the same with the CX and TX -- more stable and more forgiving than top-end skis due mainly to shape?
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  • Baller
@tdub Their front boot will work, but their rear plate doesn't match-up. Our plated RTP will work on ours and theirs. Or you can go with our direct connect rear toe for a cleaner look.

Sam Avaiusini - HO Sports Company - Director of Inside Sales and Business Operations

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