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Best video capturing device for Wakeye (New)


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I'd like to get a list going of the best devices producing the best video for Wakeye camera mounts. I'm about to lose my mind exchanging phones that all don't work very well.


I've tried the following:


iPhone 6Plus - Terrible video quality that is unrecognizable due to image stabilization.

GoPro Hero 3 Silver - Great video but subject is too far away. Croping makes video quality go down!

iPhone 6s - Poor video quality that shakes a lot. Video is usable but not great.


Found this VIDEO of Terry Winter and the video is perfect. Wonder what camera he's using?


I didn't post this to be cell phone specific, it can be any device that produces good/excellent quality video with Wakeye. I know the earlier generation iPhones all work great but I want to know what works well now and isn't discontinued.


I also saw Brian Detrick using a device called an EGO by Liquid Video.


Anyone out there have a current model phone that is working well?


Thanks Ballers!

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  • Baller

Have you tried using different video capture software - eg. the standard iPhone camera app..

I have been using my iPhone 5s for 2 years - works great...i wonder if the camera stabilization can't cope with the engine vibration coming up through the pole...have you tried a different camera mount - the SkiDoc has an 'anti-vibration' mount...

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  • Baller

@303Skier last year we tried the Liquid Image EGO as an alternative. It is like the GoPro with a fixed focus and digital zoom. It is somewhat of a pain to turn on record and drive at the same time. It only lasted a month before it would not power on and off. It went back to Amazon. We then tried a Sony action camera. It could be turned on and off remotely with your phone. That helped, but video was not any better than the GoPro. We really want to use iPhones 6 and 6s with the Wakeye.


The wakeye new isolation mount looks interesting.

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@MattP I had it zoomed in so none of the boat was showing. I noticed that when I have the zoom set to 1.0 (lowest setting) the quality is 2 times worse! I will try messing around with the AF lock.


@david_ski thanks for the info about the EGO. I cancelled my order with Amazon and will continue to play around with the 6s. Hope to get this figured out soon. I'm also thinking about putting some counter weight on the end of the boom on the Wakeye to possibly take some of the vibration out.

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  • Baller
I use an old iPhone 4S, the 4 didnt work too well but the 4S works great. Use the Wakeye app so no need to deal with turning on the recording. Just looked online and you can get them for less that $100. Since you will most likely connect it to a computer to watch the video you could even shop for one with a cracked screen and get it super cheap. You dont need a mobile plan for the gps to work.
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  • Baller

Well I'm still hunting. Best Buy is going to hate me soon. I have tried the following


GoPro - Used in the past. Subject was too far away and is now at the bottom of the lake.

Olympus TG-4 - focus hunt issue and it is not usable

Olympus TG-Tracker - fixed focus with subject too far away

Sony FDR-AX33 HandyCam - Wow this thing is great when it works but then goes to crap. I have tried 2 of them and both have the same issue.


Still hunting for a decent option! Anyone?? Don't want digital zoom! Looking want a high quality picture that could make nice stills if wanted.


I for the life of me can't the buttons at the top of this edit box to work in Firefox. This url is a sample of all the camera's https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvCtCf0yHSvwi5N60WW7xPZP4RLXPA


--edit interesting the url link seems to work anyway




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@herseyj The Olympus TG-4 seems to be the best so far, not bad! Maybe a low light filter would open the aperture up and make the auto focus issue go away?


I ended up taking the iPhone 6S back. I couldn't get video that was worth a crap. Going back to the GoPro and cropping to get it close. I'm going to keep hunting as well. Please keep us posted with your progress.

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I have a Galaxy S7 and using the Wakeye App video is really shaky. I have tried all the different resolutions, stabilization off and still get shaky videos. I use either my old 4s or GoPro. Anyone have an S7 with good results let me know how you have it setup, these phones have really good cameras but what good is that if the video is wavy.
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  • Baller

Added Samsung S7 - too much shake even for a barefoot run

Added Sony FDR-AX53 - Did great except for zoomed in to far.


On camcorders there are some real down sides to the designs that I didn't think would be an issue. The spotter can't see the flipped out door that displays the image due to it being on the drivers side. Camcorders are setup for a right handed person. This causes all sorts of problems for just checking zoom, tracking, skier centered and skier not sking off one side of the frame, etc. The AX53 worked great but the spotters in my boat are not very good at managing a camera. For the money I don't know if it makes sense when most of the video's are a mess because of zoom and centering issues. Having a camera with a display that the users could see would be much better. I might try a DSLR next but worry about the vibration and movement that a camcorders floating eye nearly eliminates. Another trip to Best Buy I guess. :-(


Updated video's at




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After having horrible luck with both the iPhone 6s Plus and 5s, I dug out my Olympus TG-3 this weekend and had great success. This is my camera for the foreseeable futue...just need to use an SD card to lightning reader to upload video to iphone because the camera's wifi feature is too slow.
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  • Baller_
In setting of my 6s, I upped the fps to 60 vs standard 30. Also placed the wakeye app at 120fps. For whatever reason, this improved my vid quality to that of my 6. Very significant improvement and now am happy with 6s.
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  • Baller_

So on my 6s the quality is not that bad and close to my 6. I uploaded to Vemio and it is degraded. The still from my prev post was off this vid but straight off 6s to post. There is not way I could get that clarity for the still if the vid looked so so like it does after being uploaded to Vemio. Hmmmm I sort of remember that if you do not buy into a Vemio plan that only so many vids can be uploaded at higher HD....I may be wrong.

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  • Baller

@Jibbo your information about impossibility of switching optical stabilisation (off ) saves time of empty tries of different settings.

I gave in with phones and started with Sony camcorder. Big difference. Optical stabilisation in camcorder works as prescribed. Steady picture, even on rollers crossing.

I use manual focus to avoid camera auto focusing on splashes and rear of the boat.

Nice and clear video (video, not skier :'( ).

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  • Baller

@303Skier Do not have it now - I watch and delete after skiing. Skiing is worth nothing ((

Next time I will save and post few frames.

Nevertheless, try - you will like result because camcorder is the thing which made for it.

Manual focus is the key. Easy to set - the focus number is your rope length.


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