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Road Tripping from Southern Florida to Connecticut


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My internship in West Palm Beach FL finishes up in two weeks. I will be driving back home to Connecticut starting on August 20th. I have a week to drive back before school starts and I thought it would be cool to see how many ski sites I could hit on my drive up. If anyone from FL to CT would be willing to give me a pull please let me know! I am fine driving a little bit off my route to see a site.
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  • Baller

@bchmbrs got bit hard by the bug this summer. Had never really skied a slalom course before. Started about 8 weeks ago at -15@28 and is now getting into -22@36, setting a new PB nearly every time he goes to the lake.


Thanks for all the help this summer at Okee with our many projects and dock starting at tournaments (he dock-started from 8am-5pm at the BD qualifier...yes, all day long!)


I'll hook you up with some rides in Virginia!

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  • Baller_

Stop in Charleston, SC and catch a set at Trophy Lakes, one of the premier sites in the east if not the country. Then drive another 10 minutes and take a lesson with Seth Stisher. Then continue up 95 to Bumpass (not a typo!) VA and catch a set with Cory Vaughn. Monroe, NY is only slightly out of your way but there you'll find Twin Lakes, the likely site of the 2017 Eastern Regionals. Google the site or coach names for contact information.


Also, if I were you I'd get off 95 about a half hour north of Richmond (exit 104, I think) and take Route 301 to Baltimore. You will avoid Washington traffic and drive within a couple miles of Lake Holly and Timberlake. You can get contact info for those two sites from the Eastern Region Tournament Guide or off the USAWS website. #iskiconnelly


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  • Baller

@bchmbrs depending on what day you go through Richmond I could pull you for a freeski run but I see @santangelo already has you covered in VA.


@lpskier has good advice with route 301. Unless it is in the middle of the night 95 around DC is a nightmare.

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