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Queen's Cup Results?


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  • Baller

And it's all over Facebook too.


Josefin Hirst of Florida won the inaugural Sportsinsurance.com Queen's Cup women's slalom tournament at Little Mountain Lakes in Maiden, N.C., on Sunday, defeating surprise finalist Joy Kelley in the head-to-head final.


Kelley outlasted No. 1 seed Chelsea Mills in the semifinals, but had a fluke early fall on her opening pass in the final, leaving Hirst with an easy path to the title. It was the fourth round of the day for both after two rounds of qualifying Saturday.


Kelley, a Women 5 skier from Tennessee, entered the Sweet 16 as the No. 4 seed. Hirst, a Women 2 skier, was the No. 2 seed.


Jennifer LaPoint finished third, Mills was fourth and Lori Krueger fifth.


The Queen's Cup, promoted by area Nautique dealer Race City Marine of Mooresville, N.C., drew 24 entrants from across the nation and Canada, and saw three records fall during Saturday's qualifying. Legendary Leeza Harrison, skiing in her second tournament since moving into Women 7, broke the division record in the first round with four at 35 off. She ran 3.5 at 35 in the second round, which also would have broken the record.


Canadians Maureen Mosteller and Rhonda Powell played tug-of-war with their nation's Women 5 record. Powell ran 2.5 at 35 and Mosteller got 3 at 35. Both scores topped the division record in Canada.


The Queen's Cup had a $12,000 purse in cash and prizes, and attracted some 40 sponsors. -- Marjo Rankin



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A Facebook post by Jennifer -




Jennifer Leachman Lapoint

August 29 at 3:45pm


WOW…If you did not attend the #SportsInsurance.com’s #QueensCup presented by the local #Nautique dealer #RaceCityMarine, YOU MISSED IT!!... This event was the best thing that happened in the sport in a decade. The best women skiers from age 32-70 (other than the current top pro’s) skied a #BigDawg type event in #LittleMountain NC. The girls were fired up after reading in the most recent #WaterskiMagazine article ---Why Don’t More Women Water Ski? stating “some people still regard sports as a male activity” and the president of #USAwaterski was quoted saying “ I think that the brute strength it takes to do skiing might naturally lean toward favoring males”.


Tell that to 59 year old Joy Kelley who finished second, by defeating 32 year old “top seeded” skier Chelsea Mills in the semi. (BTW – Chelsea Mills and Josefin Hirst both ran into 39 off at the event ... at the same speed as the men.) …(P.S.S. Joy just came back after 12 years off to raise her daughter, ran 3 miles before the event and ran into 38 off 5 rounds out of 6…you go girl).


Perhaps it has been forgot that 6 foot Camille Duvall-Hero who dominated the pro ski tour for 6 consecutive seasons and looked like a runway model…maybe there is more to being a great water skier than brute strength?


I skied the pro tour of the 80’s and 90”s and this format was even more grueling than back then, skiing 4 rounds in a day to win (especially at age 52 , 9 surgeries later)…back then I think it was only 3 rounds in a day and there were not 30 women skiers trying to get into mix. The only thing missing was 6,000 people on the beach and TV cameras. The most exciting thing was that there was no handicap for boat speed, meaning the gals could go there division speed. If you think women aren’t tough or athletic enough, tell that to gals like 64 year old Leza Lee Harrison, a recent award of distinction inductee to the Hall of Fame. She ran 4@35 off at 30mph and broke her age division record twice in the event to make the top 8… also Rhonda Sjolie Powell and Maureen Murphy Mosteller showed that women skiers are just as competitive in Canada, setting two Canadian records at the event.


Congrats to the #QueenOfSkiing for the next year, Josefin Hirst for her victory and run into 39 off!


I challenge you all to be there next year and bring a friend…we need to show the world once again that women do have just as important a place in the sport as men…Sherri Slone it seems like people need reminded again, just like in 1995, that women are just as interesting to watch and as talented in waterskiing as the men #WomenOfWaterskiing #WOWSports.


If you agree with Natallia Berdnikava, arguably the strongest skier in the sport ( BTW she dead lifts over 260 lbs ), who called “Bullshit” to the comments in that same Waterski Magazine article”, then share this post or come ski, watch or sponsor the SportsInsurance.com Queen’sCup next year.


Thanks Jeff Gilbert and Chelsea Mills for all your hard work on such an exceptional event. I personally came away with a check and enough “loot” from the sponsors that I had to have someone help me carry all of it to the car. Thanks to:


#H2oproshop.com, #Skiseth.com, #Connellyskis, #Radarskis , #Mappleskis, #ObrienSkis, #MCskis, # D3skis, #DenalliSkis,

#CobbleskiSChool, #ChetRaleyskiSchool, #AbelSkiSchool,#MattRiniSkiSChool, #Ballofspray, #Boozieboatlifts, #Eagle, #Masterline, #PerformanceSkiandSurf , #Wallyskier.com, #BlackPowderRoastingCo, #InHisWakes, #CarolinaSpine, #Bojangles, #Fourseasonmarine, #Fysical, #Itworks, #Duckworths,

#Giovannis, #Pizza, #Sagebrush, Ann Bingler, Lynn Carnes, Steve,Dave Hunter, Rich Lambert, George Levien , Mike Michael Morgan, Scott Tynan, John Wilkins


Also, A special thanks to drivers Thomas Harrington, Pat Bloodworth and ski Nautique boats for some world class ski rides, all the officials including #BigDawg skiers Kyle Tate and Seth Stisher , the Little Mountain Ski Club volunteers and John Wilkins who made the event very professional with his expert announcing.


To wrap is up I would also like to quote Joy Kelley who said it best, “The Queen's Cup was one of the best, creative, thought out, fun and organized events I have ever attended. An effective and successful job showcasing women of our sport and making them feel respected, valued, and empowered regardless of age and journey of skill development. It was an honor to be there and be part of such an amazing group of physically and mentally strong women sharing a connection and commonality, regardless of age."


Come on girls, what are you waiting for?!!!!


Camille Duvall-Hero

Deena Mapple

Kristi Overton Johnson

Helena Kjellander Valentin

Jill Knutson

Natalie Halt

Jodie Skipper

June Fladborg Asher

Sherri Slone

Susi Graham

Cyndi Matranga Benzel

Ruth Johnson

Donna Switzer

Cindy Todd

Tina Grossi

Karen Morse

Linda Sproul Hockenbery

Linda Giddens

Toni via Bruce Neville

Karen via Mick Neville

Paula Hélèna Sleiman

Krista Schipner

Carol Brooks

Ruthie Detwiler

Gill Asher

Alison McIntosh Poulsen

Rhoni Barton Bischoff

Maggie Storeyy

Caryl Kolb

Lynda Davidson Jones

Philippa Shedd

Lisa Simoneau Tobias

Ageliki Andriopoulou

Britta Llewlyn

Michelle Simpson Tuegel

Rondi via Erika Regan Lang

Marina Mosti

Michelle munsch

Kim lascoff

Patricia Astin

Laurie Lindsey Kotarsky

Paricia Cordero

Shannon Strickland

Brandy Nagle

Traci Weis

Tammy Thomas

Natallia Berdnikava

Janie Fausold

Beth Belote

Maria Downey

Beverly Grizzi

Jo Marturano

Linda Lord

Susan Maximuk

Sharon Baker Brown

Shirley and April April Coble Eller

Mare Larson

Sherry Richardson

Marjo Rankin

Gail Case

Sandy Cates

Trish Burt

Brenda Baldwin

Stephanie Stange

Lori Krueger

Kerry Morgan

Lynn Carnes

Mary Lambert

Liz Lambert

Dana via Steve Garcia


If there is anyone who should be on the list let me know

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  • Baller

And a nice post from Joy Kelley (2nd place) -


How many sports can offer what water skiing does throughout the aging process? How many sports can bring women together from age 30's-70+ in a competitive situation and still achieve commonality, mutual respect, encouragement to others, and a fierce competition, while learning from each other, making new friends, and opening minds to new possibilities for our sport. How do you properly thank Jeff Gilbert and Chelsea Mills for their vision and relentless hard work to create and orchestrate the Queens Cup event, as well as, all the officials, volunteers, and sponsors who worked enthusiastically and gave so generously. (I will recognize all the sponsors in another message, but see many of their names in this picture) You touched lives and influenced our sport immensely

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@skidawg @Bruce_Butterfield I had the honor of being CJ at both the Big Dawg and the Queens Cup at Little Mountain this yea. It's a really tough and likely unfair comparison. They both have their exciting moments for sure!


Probably the biggest difference was that, likely due to how long it's been around now, there is a little more strategy on display in the Big Dawg. Knowing what the demands are to ski four rounds (assuming you advance to the finals) in a relatively short time span takes some experience to manage. Even Jennifer commented that she has a new respect for the Big Dawg skiers for that reason.


That said, the Queens Cup had some incredible competitve moments. There was some trash talk throughout the head to head but you also heard apologies for "accidentally" spraying the skier waiting for her next pass. Both events and all skiers really support and encourage each other to do their best. That was always on display at the Queens Cup.


One of the challenges with the ladies is that several ski at a slower speed. Simply using the score and line length and ignoring the speed seemed to work very well. Women's 6 and 7 skiers were competive all the way thru the head to head. It wasn't just a "set it at 34.2 and forget it" tournament.


We saw PB's equaled and tied multiple times. We saw 4 national records broken by three skiers (at one point we literally ran out of ropes since we had 3 records broken in 4 consecutive skiers)!! Equally important we had 4 ladies who have never ski'd a tournament before!! They ski'd very well and will certainly be back. To put that in prospective, one lady came all the way from Washington state to ski her first tournament - awesome!


We saw legends in the sport competing against newcomers and both were having a good time! I think ALL the ladies were onsite both days and were there afterwards for the awards. Everyone who was fortunate enough to be there had a chance to see something truly special.


Kudo's to the skiers - it was awesome to see each and everyone preform and compete with the spirit and sportsmanship rarely seen. Thank you to all the sponsors who generous supported the event and helped make it a success. A special thanks to the officials and drivers and other volunteers who worked hard to make sure everyone had the best experience possible.


This ranks very high on my list of great memories (and there are a lot!). I can't wait for next year. The planning started already last night.

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I hope this can keep up some steam and continue on. It sounds like a great event.


Would participation be even better if the timing was different? I am guessing that a lot of the eligible ladies have kids who are just getting back into school. It's also just after nationals which might run into an expense/time issue for some. Just something to consider.

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