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  • Baller
Last night the boy told me he wanted to ditch his two skis and slalom this summer! So, naturally, we woke up bright and early and headed up to Wiley's. Darren hooked us up with a kid's training Senate; 63" and 1 inch wider than normal, with a little growing room. We are both super excited.
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  • Baller

Its the most rewarding thing.. Not ashamed to admit my eyes watered up when my little guy popped out of the water on a single for the first time. Barely 2 months later and he's addicted to chasing buoys..




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  • Baller

@ozski was your son keen to give skiing a go or did it take a bit of persuasion or may be bribery.

My 8 year old son always says he'll give it a go but when we are out in the boat it's always "not today". Not sure if I should resort to bribery etc. I can imagine a kid being a little nervous about skiing for the first time. Anyone got any bright ideas?

I can imagine that would be pretty cool seeing your son up a slalom ski. Awesome!

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  • Baller
He's pretty strong willed ( at age 6) and was not interested in anything other than the tube until December so we never forced the issue, more ski time for me.. But he always said when he turned 7 he would start so we put him on some cadet doubles and he got up pretty quick and within a couple of skis started doing wake jumps because that's what you do on 2 skis... He was hooked but getting him from doubles to single was a challenge that we sorted by using the boom. After a couple of runs on the boom he got up using the long V first go and then straight to the short V and has never looked back. I'm teaching him on the mini course -28 running about 26 and he comfortably runs pass after pass working on staying tall and keeping his position.. I want form and rhythm before he goes full course. So every kid is different but we pretty much let him make the choice, a couple of small bribes here and there but certainly no pushing. Now the genie is out of the bottle its not going back in.. For me as a dad there is nothing better but if he wants to give it up one day and do something else then that will be ok by me.
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