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Rewind at 60 - Ski Advice Please


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  • Baller

I'm brand new to BOS but have been a fan for quite a while. I grew up sking competitively in Wisconsin in the Chris LaPoint days and still have my Obrien Mach 1 in the garage, but that ended at about age 18. Moved away, around the country, not on a lake, figured it was over. 12 years ago relocated to central Arkansas and fell into a house on the most amazing ski lake I've ever seen. Picked up a 92 Hydrodyne Comp and have been skiing again since, but just freeskiing. My main ski buddy runs a 93 Prostar 190 so we have great old equipment. I just turned 60 in October. Attached is from last run of the season. Two of my daughters have been skiing the past few years and started asking about a course so I picked up a portable last fall and are getting ready to get it wet, and be terribly humbled. My question to the forum is about my ski. I was riding a 2006 HO Vengeance which was just OK, but last summer picked up a 2000 CDX1, as always wanted one. Rode it the last month of the season and performed much better than the Vengeance, even though older ski. In December I ran across a screaming deal on a 2012 S2 and grabbed it. Havent ridden it yet. I felt like the CDX was making me a much better skier and maybe I should start the season on that and not ride the S2 yet. On the other hand the S2 is 12 years newer and made for 34 and may be light years better for me to be on. I'd appreciate any perspectives from those here with much more experience than I. Thanks much



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