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Binding Location ???


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  • Baller

I've skied for 5 years on a 2010 Radar Senate alloy 67". I just bought a used 2014 Radar Senate alloy 69", I'm 6'2" and 210 lbs. and at 55 would like a bit easier time getting up on the ski and less fatigue. I'm an open water 15 off 32 mph skier.


Binding question - I mounted the bindings (front boot rear toe) on the 69" in the same mounting holes as the 67", thinking that probably puts them in the same overall orientation to the whole ski. It seems that when I line up the bindings on the 2 skis, the length from binding to front is the same on both skis. The added length all comes behind the bindings. I'm wondering if that is correct, or if I should be splitting the added length, some in front and some in back. I still haven't been out to try it. Thoughts would be welcome!

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  • Baller

Thanks for the help, I will try that. Is there a standard gap between front boot and rear toe piece? Does mine look "normal"?


I feel slightly foolish asking these questions after slalom skiing for over 40 years but realized with the new ski I really don't know what I'm doing with binding placement.

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  • Baller

Basics of Front Boot placement go like this:

Measure the back of the heel of the front boot to the tail of the ski.

Adjust the location until the measurement matches the stock recommendation for your ski make/model/length.

Select the binding mounting screw holes which are closest to the stock recommendation. This may be the middle screw hole or it may not. If you mix different makes or even different year vintages of bindings and skis, the stock recommended location may be the last or first screw hole. Heck it may be past the available screw holes in some binding/ski combinations.


Anyway, that's how you find the starting point for the front boot. From there, you will want to adjust forward or back until things feel best for you. There is a lot if good advice on boot placement in @SkiJay's Fin Whispering book. As with any adjustment, it helps one aspect of how the ski rides and often compromises another. Finding a balance with net benefit is the key to success.


Back boot is typically very close to the font boot. Some like it so close that rear toes touch the outside of the front boot. Others like a wider stance. Again, there is a lot more to it all, see the book recommendation above.

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I made the switch from a 67 to a 68 vapor this year. I ran stock binding placement on the 67 and ended up 1/4 inch forward on the 68. It just felt right on the bigger ski.


I'd start stock and adj from there.


As far as binding spacing, I run mine as close together as possible. When I ran a RTP the toes on my back foot ran up the back of the front binding.


Good luck on a great ski!

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