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Define What A Skiing Slump Means To You.


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  • Baller

For me a slump consists of a 3 or more consecutive sets and I'm not running into my shortest line during the season and in good conditions. It's not something that happens very often and the remedy is usually a few sets of back to back 32's (even gates 1-2) to build up my confidence again. Sometimes a minor ski tweak to to get a slightly different feel out of the ski helps but typically my perceived slumps are not that often and fairly short in duration. I would be interested in hearing how other skiers resolve their own patches of bad form as it can be pretty disheartening when it happens.

Does anyone break stuff? :)

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  • Baller

I 'm living it right now.

53 yo.

Was running mid 35 off when i tore my Achilles august 3 last season.Miss 5 months of work,did a lot of PT and started homebrewing and put on 20 lbs.

Bad weather in early season prevented me from a lot of open water skiing,only 3 sets, so i started in the course thinking i could at least ski deep 32 off.


Having problems running 28 and missed a lot of 22s.

Slowed the boat down,moves my boots,twice,nothing help.


I have no confidence in my skiing right now.



IMHO that's the biggest problem when you're in you're in a slump.

You see the pre gates approaching and you start doubting,thinking '' I used to run that pass easily...'' .Suddenly you start pulling too long,rushing the turn,breaking forward,running late and miss that easy pass.

When you have confidence,you're strong and tall on your ski,thinking ''Wow,the boat seems slow today...''.

Still a bit of limping when i get up of bed in the morning but can't blame my injury for my bad skiing other then missing half of last season.


/// Will pay top dollars for some confidence right now!


Edit: I live on a small public lake ,with my course in a real nice cove with no houses so can ski at 6.00 in the morning,and skied 15 sets in the last 10 days,been off work for the last 10 days and next 4.5 weeks too so i ski alot compare to some of you so i can't blame no being able to ski because of x,y,z reasons either.

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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Hoping my current slump was just a fin out of position... My new ski WAS feeling great! The last 2 times on the water, it was awful. The first time wasn't sure if ski or rough water, the second time I was on glass and ski felt like it was going through mud. Checked my fin last night and it was out of place! I know some people mean well when offering to carry your ski to the car, or out of the boat, but it usually results in the ski getting banged on something...
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  • Baller

Slump to me is having a crap day of skiing, analyzing, coming back out another day to try to fix, and still skiing like crap.


For me, it seems like it's midseason undiagnosed fatigue usually, often from too much skiing. I won't feel tired or achy, but my muscles just don't seem to want to do what I ask of them. That's how this morning went actually. Usually about 4-5 days off the water and some recovery rides on the road bike fixes it right up.

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