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67 inch or 69 inch?


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So...I am going to order a new Senate Lithium when they become available. It was going to be a 67" since that is all I have ever used over the years but in an earlier post @eddie_roberts_jr suggested that at my age, weight, speed, etc., that I might want to consider a 69" That is a great tip and I thank @eddie_roberts_jr. It got me thinking that a 69" might me the way to go. I will keep this ski for a few years so I don't want to make a mistake. I weigh 184 pounds, 67 years old, ski either 30 mph or 32 mph and stay in the 15 to 28 off range. Any thought will be greatly appreciated.
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I am about your size and when i demoed the Senate I was told I should get the 69. I do not ski in the course but am around 30mph and 15 off. I have no complaints about it so far as I cannot ski even close to it's potential.
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  • Baller

Wow that is really interesting to hear that @eddie_roberts_jr said that. Can you link to that post please?


I find it really interesting because I vary from 170-195 and I currently ski a 2012 senate. I bought a 69" to just make sure I had a ski that was plenty big for times when I might be a full 200 pounds and have to run 28 mph.


I have been very surprised at 175 pounds right now as I worked my way up to 32 mph (15 off) to find that even at this speed, I think I like my 69" senate better than my 2012 68" vice. I thought 32 mph would be the crossover point where I would like the 68" vice better than the 69" senate, but so far, I have found the opposite. I figured it was something wrong with my skiing maybe? So here is @eddie_roberts_jr apparently telling you what I have found to be surprisingly true by my experience so far? Maybe I need to get to 34 mph before I will like the 68" Vice-C better?

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eddie_roberts_jr Posts: 409 Water Ski Industry Professional

July 24

Yes, probably a 67 but I have a friend who is 70 and weighs 185 and skis into 32 off at 32 mph and he is on a 69" Senate Graphite. If you think you are not going to go beyond 32 mph you may want to consider a 69" Senate. If you think you are going to possibly go 34 you may want to just get a 67.


Above is the info that @eddie_roberts_jr posted to me. It seems to make sense. A slightly bigger Senate may be the way to go. I just don't want to purchase it and find out I should have stayed with a 67".

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  • Baller

Oh, ok, I think I found it now. It looks like the one titled senate lithiums coming soon or something like that.


That's great. It seems as though he is saying that a 69 inch senate really isn't too big for a 175 pounder until we make the jump from 32 mph to 34 mph. That is certainly in line with what I have felt on the water. Kinda nice to have the expert seemingly kinda confirm that maybe I'm not totally crazy.


Don't take my experience to mean anything beyond 15 off though. I can't speak to having skied it at 22 or 28 off, but I can tell you that at 175, my 69" senate feels great at 32 mph and 15 off. It feels even better at 30 mph, which you say you sometimes ski at as well.

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Thanks @escmanaze I am leaning toward the 69" even though that worries me a bit. But from all of the comments, that might be the way to go. Looks like they won't be available for a few weeks. My days running 34 mph are over. Can't wait to see what the new Senate Lithiums look like.
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  • Baller
For sure. I'm kind of in the same camp of thinking of replacing my vice C with one of these new senate Lithiums after all the good things I've been hearing about them. I would still keep the old 2012 69" senate for the early season runs at 28 mph or even 30, but then maybe a 67" senate would be good to get used to at 32 and then try to get that ski to take me to 34 mph. That's where I'm the opposite of you. I'm trying to learn to go faster, which means I should get the smaller ski, but I worry about it feeling too small at the slower speeds as I try to grow accustomed to it.
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  • Baller
I just went through this decision making process last week and bought the 67 in. Senate Graphite. I usually free ski at 34, -28. In the course 31-32 mph, mostly 15 off, 66 yr and190 to 195. So far the ski turns great and is really easy to deep water start. My face doesn't even get wet! No more agonizing about the 69 in. Had a PP mistake Sunday and skied 36 mph in rough open water, 28 off and the ski turned surprisingly well- just need to get forward in the glide.
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I will definitely go with his advice, and I really appreciate that advice. But I am relatively new here and am not aware who Eddie Jr. is. Is he a RADAR rep? AWSA official? He certainly has great insight. Thanks to all.
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  • Baller
I have a 2017 67" Senate Lithium. I weigh 195 lbs. I'm 73 yrs. old so I ski at 30mph. I start at 28 off and get into 38 off. When our water here got warm (over 80F), I began to struggle to get wide (a 69" might be better in hot water and even in really cold water). The 67" Senate turns very well for me. My next step is to try it without a brake. Maybe then I will get wide again. I forgot to try that before I went back to the ski that I used before getting the Senate. I have a 2015 69" Lithium Vapor that definitely gets me across the course in any temperature water. The 67" Senate turns a little better. If there is any way possible, try them both to see which one you like best. You probably won't go wrong with either. I have no idea if the Senate will change for 2018.
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  • Baller

Yup, I have the same thing as @dbutcher (except that at 73 years old he skis waaay better than me.)


On my 69" Senate, it is really easy to pull fast across the wakes, but a little tougher to turn tight and aggressively once I get to the ball. With the 68" Vice-C, it's the opposite. I feel like I have to win a dang tug of war competition yanking the heck out of it to get across the wakes fast, but once I do get out to the ball, it turns tight and aggressively very easily.

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