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Rear Toe Plate... switch to hybrid?


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  • Baller
I ski LFF with a Radar Vapor boot on my left foot and an HO RTP (about 3 yrs old) for my right foot. The skin on the sides of my right foot, mainly the heel, is getting torn up. Not so bad that I've stopped skiing, but bad enough where my wife and kids have asked why is my heel red & peeling. As far as I can tell, it's worse after skiing but the weird thing is that my heel isn't even in the RTP. I've tried to notice if I'm sliding around back there & I don't think I am & it's not affecting my skiing. Conditions permitting I'm skiing 33-34mph on a 22 off rope & I've been having a great summer on the course with some good passes at 34mph. So.... has anyone else had similar issues? Should I get a new RTP? I've thought about trying the Radar "hybrid" RTP, does anyone use that & if so can I pop into it easily on a one-legged start? Thanks for any advice!!!
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  • Baller
@Buoyhead69 yes I use the adjustable. I personally would just replace yours if you ski that much. The sized ones have more of a cushion footbed I believe. Maybe go with one of those. Best bet is go down to the shop and check them out. I know a couple of people that use hybrids and like them but I prefer the rear toe plate. Kinda sounds like you are sliding around and irritating your foot?
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