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locking double handled rope wanted

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My Mom is 79 and still skiing like a champ. The problem we have is she has always used a special double handled rope with a locking mechanism in the middle that allows a person to get up with it together then separate it into two handles. This handle has finally broke and I can not find another one anywhere. Understand it is probably 40 years old so this is not a surprise.

Does anyone know where I might find one of these?


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  • Baller

or check ebay or do some googling.

You'll find double handles, but I don't think you'll find the locking handles. A few other posts around the 'net of people asking, but no success stories.

I'm guessing it was closer to 50 years old than 40!

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  • Baller
Wow. That goes back to the days of putting a 4 inch wide piece of foam around our waist for flotation. We had the same handle configuration about 45 years ago. Amazing that it lasted this long. They sure don't make things the way they used to.
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Thanks for all the input everyone. We have a couple of sets of double handles (one set are the old wood ones) but Mom has gotten used to putting the handles together to get up. When you are almost 80 it is hard to start making changes to how you get out of the water on a ski. And yes it is possible she also straps a piece of foam around her waist for flotation. Heaven help us if she ever hits her head.

Good idea about using the patent info to have a set made. Thanks for the idea and the link.

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  • Baller

@ntx-i can't speak for @zanderballofspray but i love my mother such that money would not be an object in a case like this. hows your mom doing?


@spicoli -back when i had one of these in my ski shed the people who used them usually separated them for their deep water starts so the ski was centered in the vee bridle and then locked them together for actual skiing but that was just the people i skied with and i never skied with @zanderballofspray s mom.

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Hi Everybody,

Mom and I got the best Christmas present ever. We received a surprise package in the mail with a awesome set of lockable double handles for a ski rope. What a wonderful gift. Mom will be turning 80 this year and is looking forward to skiing with her brand new (50 year old) favorite handles. Thank you Thank you George, you are wonderful. :)

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  • Baller_

My dad back in the 60s could not understand why I wanted a single handle rope. We went around and around one summer about it and one day while shopping in Montgomery wards ( also was my bday) dad bought me a western wood Mike Syderhoud slalom ski and that lock together handle set up. Still have the ski, handle went in the scrap many years ago.



Very cool your mother still skiing at age 80! Grip it and rip it mom!

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