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Looking for fin and boot settings.

Adam Caldwell

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  • Baller

Found these in the overhead, and I like to ride everything at least once.


Took a nice out the front on the Black MC with double boots Sunday. Aparently it had a double wing of some kind that is missing from the low drag shark shaped fin. I went with it anyway - bad idea.


Next up this week are the Stilleto and Mach 1. Most intriguing thing to me is the Mach 1 fin setup. It has a zero DFT with a 2.5" deep and 8.00" long fin - no wing.


If anyone has a Stilleto setup and has some ballpark fin and boot numbers let me know. Pictures of the fin will help as well.






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  • Baller
Good luck on that Mach-1. I had to buy one a couple years ago to stick in the corner because it was the first real slalom I ever skied on. I tried it once and couldn't make a turn without falling over. I can ski better on a small board without bindings - really! The "new" Mach-1 I got has no holes in the fin, though. What do you think of that rear toe design? I always thought it was rather non-optimal.
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  • Baller_

@adamhcaldwell good stuff!


The mach1 was the first “real” slalom ski I rode at a summer camp when I was 15. Wow that thing was awesome coming off a wood slalom. I think I rode a 70” and I weighed about 150 lbs.


I tried several of the LaPoint designed Mastercrafts back in the day and couldn’t make a pass on any of them until the Synergy C came out. I think that was the last of the mastercraft line. They worked great if you skied like Bob and Kris but not so much for mortals. And you never know how much filing they did to make their personal skis work (my guess is a lot).


The stiletto was actually really good if you got one of the early ones built by Ricky McCormick. After they moved production to another facility the quality and consistency went way down.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

@Bruce_Butterfield agree the Stiletto may be a surprise entrant if it's not shot. I remember it being fast, felt stiff...not as forgiving as others back in the day but for the right rider was hot. I was too strong and too error prone back then...built too much speed and then didn't have what it took to handle it. (I know insert joke about how nothing has changed for me hardy har har).

Be curious to hear an impression thru a modern lens.

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  • Baller



I took the stilletto out the other day.


Ski did not turn at 36mph until the fin was ahead of 1” on DFT. I had locked down 2.530, 6.750 as a start point. Did run a nice 35 at 36 and 38 at 34. Didn’t want to go any shorter or waste time until I had a better idea for numbers.

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  • Baller

I pulled out Kim Bryants old log book. Kim is the guy who dug Trophy Lakes with Alan Sanner back in the early 80s. He has some very interesting settings for the Stilletto.


Lucky Lowe was running 2.512, 6.219 @ .760 with wing i assume.

Chuck F. was running 2.625, 7.5,@ .75 - No wing


I'm told the fin had large holes that you could stick your pinky into, so definitely high drag.


There are notes about 11, 12 and 13 deg wings - which would make sense for Luckys numbers.


I know someone must have a good notebook out there with more info!

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  • Baller

I bet. With a standard full belly 5 hole fin, it SUCKED until the fin was up past 1" then it was very managable both at 34 and 36.


By cutting a 1/4" off the back edge of a fin and running a .75" DFT makes sense. Essentially that would put the center of area roughly in the exact same place.


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  • Baller

@adamhcaldwell I have a 65” Stilletto. Bought it used from a guy in MN about 1994. I have no idea if this fin is stock or was modified before I got it. Anyway, it was back before I knew fins were adjustable. Currently ski is in my brothers garage far away. He has no caliper. But here is a ballpark DFT.






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  • Baller

@Drago I had a fin somewhat like that many years ago without the safety bar and must not have tightened it all the way for a set and the fin popped out as I was pulling for the gates. One of the worst falls I had in years.


Saw your fin and was reminded of my mishap.

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