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Regressing.. 25lbs lost


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  • Baller
How much do you weigh now? I don’t think 25 pounds would make that much of a negative difference unless the ski was borderline too big to begin with. Do you th8nk some of it could be early season issues?
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  • Baller
One thing that happened to me this year.. do you leave your boots on all winter? Or do you take them off? I took mine off, and when I put them back on the beggining of this year, I accidentally put them 1/4 inch back from where they should have been. Was skiing bad for a while, chalked it up to being early in the year, noticed the boot placement and it made a world of difference
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  • Baller

6'2" I was 220lbs now I'm 195


Thanks for the input. I'll get the calipers out this weekend and check. I have skied maybe once a week instead of my usual 3X a week for over last 2 months because the boat is down for zero off conversion. Just getting random pulls, sporadically, so more likely to be rust, just frustrated.


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  • Baller
Congrats on the weight loss. At 195 lbs the 68" Vapor should still be fine for you. Check the settings to make sure they aren't way off and then it sounds like it could be just rust. Don't get too frustrated until you are skiing behind speed control again and getting consistent pulls.
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  • Baller

I can reflect on when I lost weight (210-170) and my skiing did not improve at all!


Be patient and keep working on it. After about an entire season, my skiing improved. I could ski more passes, hurt less, did not fall as much, then little by little my performance started to come back (from averages of 10 years before), then I kept improving. I had to adapt, learn to ski more efficiently and be patient, not a skill I have much of.


It was very frustrating not to see improvement come faster, it took me about two years to lose the weight that I gained over 30 years and at least a year to learn how to ski at a lighter weight. Hopefully it comes to you faster.

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