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Skis for big guys


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I did some searching and turned up options like World Team 74", HO Triumph 71" or Senate C, but those posts were several years old and I can't seem to find those models and lengths for sale anywhere.


I'm 6'5" 250 and I'm looking for recommendations for a good set of Combo skis to learn on, and a Slalom ski to grow into down the road. I attended a clinic and was only able to get up on their "pyramid" skis, which looked like park benches.

Any suggestions for where I can find longer skis in 2017/2018? Not much coming up on ebay, craigs list, etc for 70"+...





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  • Baller

Did you try a set of normal combos? With proper coaching I'd expect you could get up on a pair of 66" combos no problem after a few reps on the pyramid skis.


As for big guy ski for learning and progressing, the 71" Radar Senate Alloy would be a good ski that can take you from beginner to advanced all on one stick. With the 19s right around the corner, you might be able to score a sweet deal on a leftover one of these in a few weeks.


Or if you just want something that's super easy to get up on and start carving, you can get a 71" Radar Butterknife. I think I saw Perfski has crazy deals on the 71" HO Freeride too. The thing with both of those skis is they're plenty capable of making nice easy turns with little resistance, but if skiing is something you plan to be serious about, you're likely to push them beyond their capabilities after awhile.


I'm your height and about 5 lbs heavier than you and I ride a 69.5" Radar Vapor for what that's worth.

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  • Baller

Like others said the Butter Knife would be great. I'm a bigger guy too and I ski a 69" P6, which is the same concept as the butter knife.


as for Combo's i can recommend the Connelly Eclypse (i think these used to be called Cayman" for something to learn on.

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  • Baller

I weigh about 205 right now and have a 67" Katana and it is very easy to get up on even though I am heavier than the standard weight range. Depending on ability a 69" Katana would be a pretty big ski and a 71" Butter Knife would be huge.


I have skied a lot on a 69" HO Charger which was the precursor to the Freeride and at 240 pounds that ski had plenty of support. They make a 71" Freeride which would be a good ski as well.


I am only 6' so your added height may make you want a bit larger ski.

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  • Baller

I'm going to say that technique is more likely the culprit than a "bad set of combos" for learning to get up. I'm trying to shrink but currently right at your weight skiing on a 71" Radar Senate with dual boots - and it's pretty easy to get up. That said, technique is a HUGE part of that last sentence. Knees to your chest and arms straight, then let the boat do the work. If you are dragging through the water your knees are not bent enough.


Also - in that photo I see no gloves. Are you trying to bare-fist it? If so I cannot emphasize enough the improvement in grip you will get with a good pair of gloves. If you are serious get a set of "clincher-style" gloves. They take a ton of load off your hands and can really help you ski longer with less effort.

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