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Demo Skis near Denver


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I was hoping someone on this forum could direct me to a vendor that will demo skis near Denver. I skied collegiately for Cal Poly (years ago) and have been skiing my Dad's 20 year old 67" Connelly for the past decade. Over the past couple of years I have put on a lot (20 lbs) of muscle and have realized I am way too big for that ski; I currently measure 6'0", 225 lbs. I unfortunately don't have much access to a course, so I mostly free ski, but I want to continue developing my technique and hopefully start skiing a slalom course again in the future. I can't justify shelling out the money for a new Goode or D3, so I am looking for a local retailer that demos slalom skis. I live in Denver and mostly ski at my parents' place on Boyd Lake in Loveland (yes, it is extremely busy and no, they don't have a course). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Baller
@CPwaterski your best bet is probly Tommy's they are located at I70 and Ward road. I know they do some demo stuff. I think it is mostly high end skis. Might also try and contact @bwreinke he might have an HO to try. If you are skiing up at Boyd. The new Scheels out on 34 and I25 has a decent selection of ski stuff and Rocky mountain rentals on 34 close to downtown Loveland has some stuff as well. Don't think either will do any Demo but worth a stop and look.
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