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WHY METHOD BY RADIX? Neilly Ross Interview


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  • Baller

Any exercise regime is good but who ever stuck this young lady in front of the camera to promote this particular regime got it wrong as far as I am concerned, obviously contrived and and comes across not that genuine, sorry Guy's & Gals didn't convince me, while we are on the subject someone said to me that we all ski different due to Physical & Mental structure, so there is no point in every body studying video and trying to ski like Nate Smith, would this be the same for exercising as some of us carry injuries that we have to be mindful of as well as our own personal requirements, I cannot see a App replacing a good Personal Trainer that can get the best from you.

The App looks great, good luck with it.

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@Stevie Boy all I can tell you is that Radix is the gym many of the world's best water skiers go to for training. Finding a good and economical trainer can be very challenging. I'm really looking forward to giving Method a try.
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  • Baller

I think it looks cool. I have been working with an online trainer for a number of years and find it very valuable. True it would likely be better with a live trainer but the cost is more than I want to pay.


The app idea is cool. One issue for me is vision though. I don't like to wear my glasses in the gym and can't really see the screen well enough to use without them. I write my workouts down in large print so I can read without glasses.

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  • Baller

I thought it would provoke a negative.

Core Work & Mobility, do I really need an App for that, how annoying is it when you are in the Gym and somebody does one set of reps and sits there for 3-5 mins looking at there phone blocking the equipment before doing another set of reps.

Fortunately the hardest exercises are core which generally just require space & motivation as does mobility.


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  • Baller

@Stevie Boy I agree with not wanting someone to block a machine for 3-5 minutes looking at their phone. Those people will generally do that whether they are looking at a training app or being inconsiderate.


I do like having someone else program my workouts. I get much more variety and frankly intensity than if I do it myself. When I do it myself I tend to get in a rut and bored.

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  • Baller

@ToddF it is $200 for 12 weeks (so $16.66 / week) It works out to $5.56 or so per workout.


Essentially you will get an email when the program is ready that day (usually at midnight for the early risers) it gives you an overview of what the workout will be, then you login and can review the videos, descriptions, full program, etc.


Ultimately, Method is about gaining mobility and strength in the off season and addresses issues most waterskiers are plagued with ...such as weak cores or tight / shifted hips. It also serves as the foundation for the inevitable pre-season 12 week program and an in-season 12 week program should people want to continue with Method.


It's not a substitution for a physical therapist if you have a legit injury nor is it better than real-life one-on-one training. However, @Stevie Boy a lot of people cannot justify $85/session for a personal trainer and don't have the core / mobility savvy you have... so this is a way to have a thoughtful program as a roadmap for you in the gym this off season without breaking the bank. You can ask questions and get guidance as needed.


I like the fact that people can sign up together to hold each other accountable across the world... While you do the work out by yourself, you are also doing the same program as others and that's kind of fun. My parents are doing it in CA while I do it in FL so we can compare our progress / weaknesses and hold each other accountable. And @Horton too.. I'm holding you accountable :)


Lastly, I just have to say this.. Because I can't help myself... Neilly Ross is great.

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  • Baller

@The_Krista I think Neily Ross is Great too, I was just saying the Video didn't come across that well as far as promotion was concerned.

I appreciate the fact that some people need help and the App may provide that, which is great, as far as one on one Personal Trainers are concerned you can spread sessions bearing in mind it's a bit like skiing, get coaching then practice on your own for a week or two, I actually find some core exercises that appear to be relatively simple, the most challenging and way more difficult than you invisage.

For anybody signing up I genuinely and sincerely hope that you reap the benefits from it and take your skiing to a new level.

I have just voiced an opinion obviously one that not a lot of people like, but thats life, I assure you no offence was meant to anybody, being an old boy, I think sometimes we rely on technology too much.

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Anyone new trying this? How are you liking it? I'm looking for a "Gym buddy", but a lot of the apps I've looked at are how to get sweet pecks and abs. But not really specific to sports. I race motocross too and have been looking as some of the moto specific workout plans too.
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  • Baller
@Stevie Boy Neilly is one of the best skiers and has been doing the program for a little while now. She looks stronger than ever skiing. Pato is also doing the program and skied amazing at Pan Ams. He is making everything look easy. The program is more a stability, flexibility and fixing problems that are common in skiers. I don't look at it as designed to replace your workout. It's designed specifically for skiers. Many of the best skiers in the world are going to Bojan and seeing results.
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