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Advice for not going out the side?


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  • Baller

Hey y'all, I had a tournament this past weekend and decided to really push my jumping. I went out the side on both jumps (tournament was earn your third). When I crashed, my left shoulder hit the water first on both attempts, so I know that I did the same thing twice.


I dont have film, but I'll do my best to describe my set. I was jumping on a 5ft ramp and my boat path was Collegiate Wide. For timing on my single I waited for the boat nose to pass the front of the ramp, counted to 4, then went. I managed to hit the bottom right of the ramp and exit off of the top left. When I came off the top I was going out the side with no chance to kick.


My previous sets I've been working at slower speeds (opening at 28mph) at Collegiate split. On those I have had pretty good success cutting and kicking off the top of the ramp. Right now the biggest thing that I can think of is just more practice and water time, but I'd still love some advice.


If any of you have any advice I would really appreciate it.



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@jgills88 I strongly discourage anyone to jump if they do not practice with people that know what they are doing. The mechanics of jump are simpler than slalom and trick but you need a good set of eyes on you of you want to be safe and go far.
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  • Baller

@jgills88 Good advice to get coaching advice from solid jumpers.


Some simple advice that won't get you into trouble is to make your cut more gradual. Like @Bainesster mentioned it sounds like your trying to hammer the cut into the jump and dropping your shoulder. Think about body position and edge progressively harder into the ramp.

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  • Baller
If you're landing on your left shoulder sounds like you are trying to edge into the ramp using your upper body and not your hips and knees and that you have too much weight on your left ski. This is a pretty worthless guess though without some video. What do your coaches say about these "out the left" falls? I would assume that jumpers that PB in the 140s would be telling you to edge in strong on your right ski. Do that from a balanced stance with your hips and not your shoulders.
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  • Baller

@jimbrake i think that you are absolutely right that i had way too much pressure edging through my left ski and cutting through my shoulders. My coaches didn't get a chance to see this particular set, and i havent had many OTS falls since i started cutting. Most of my crashes have been me landing square and not being prepared for the slack to catch me. I'll be sure to ask them to be on the lookout for my next set to see if i continue this pattern


Thanks for the advice for cutting through my hips! I'll be sure to think about that when i can get on the water next

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  • Baller
@jgillis make sure you aren’t leaning on the rope like you do on a slalom ski. It is a very different pull than a slalom ski. I don’t jump but have listened to my son get some very good coaching and this is a habit he had to learn to break.
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