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D3 Arc (yellow) setup realization


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I've been on my Arc for several years and I only ever made one small change to get the ski to come around a little quicker on my offside. The ski is amazing and I'm skiing better than I ever have. -32@34 is feeling doable and easier but I'm still not running it consistently. The change I made was in Nov '17. I just measured my ski and I'm shocked.

........Binding L(T) Depth DFT (Flat) Wing (the front of the rocker)

STK 29.700, 6.930, 2 455, 0.755, 7

N'17 29.750, 6.910, 2.450, 0.755, 7

Now 29.875, 6.951, 2.467, 0.742, 7


First of all this is crazy! My settings are not where they are supposed to be! But it's skiing so well...I'm curious what others are using for settings. Is this way out of the box?

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The bindings are Goode PowerShells and the plate hasn't been off the ski since I got the ski. I know, I'm way overdue for maintenance on the bindings. I'm willing to over look the binding measurement changes and write them of as user error, but is it possible that the fin changes have really been a positive to my skiing? Should I return it to stock? Or leave it alone and consider it the magic numbers?
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  • Baller
@Quinn I recommend having a goal prior to changing fin settings. Imho, the “now” settings wouldn't just happen as they are further out of the ski. Check your batteries, if Now is true, thats a lot of tip both sides, but if it feels good.... ( might not as as the water warms up )
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  • Baller

Like @Drago noted, check your batteries if you are using a digital caliper.

Were your fin lock screws tight when you checked them?

I would be inclined to log these current "crazy" settings, then move everything to factory stock. See if this works better for you, maybe with minor tweaking. Binding moves first.

If not, you can always go back to the "crazy" settings and tweak from there.

You may have discovered settings that work well. :smile:

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