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The Magic Of Stokes !

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller

Last year I brought a well known make impact vest, paid fair few dollars for it, but all the stiching started to unravel on it, my wife had to do many repairs, I turned up in Florida to ski with my regular coach, the first three days I just wasn,t skiing that well at all.

Wanting to replace my impact vest, I took myself off to Performance and brought a Stokes Nitro 2 Competition Impact Vest, the following day I skied in my new stokes impact vest, I immediately started to ski much better, now the Guy that Coaches me is very good and the boat is straight there is no gimmees, what you score is what you have got on your own merit.

I am soon to leave for colder climes, but have finished my trip 10 bouys ahead of my PB ever since wearing the Stokes Impact vest, Great Coach deserves a lot of the credit, but there must be a little Magic there somewhere.

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  • Baller

It's not getting me any more buoys...but seriously folks the Stokes vests and suits are flat out TOP QUALITY STUFF. Best vest and suit I've ever owned, and this is not my first rodeo I started skiing tourneys as a teen and I'm 47 years old.


@Thomasasher provides amazing service, too. I was unsure on size and he sent me a number of them, just return what doesn't fit.


Lastly, Stokes is a sponsor of this site. I know there are other nice vests/suits out there, but if the STokes product is equivoval to them or (I believe) better...why not support them?


Shoot @Stevie Boy is claiming more buoys...what other vest can say that :smiley:

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  • Baller

Hey @Stevie Boy super pumped that you really enjoy the NITRO 2.0 and it has provided so many magical moments on the water. Sounds like your really on the up with your skiing and development. Performance are a great shop with awesome staff.


@6balls thanks for the nice words and compliments. We try every year to bring high quality products that feel great for all aspects of water skiing. WE love the sport and have been competing regularly for many years. Providing great customer service is something we shall always provide as we always want to see skiers happy and enjoying their time on the water


@lpskier you never know, their could be magic in that their vest. Hope you break your slump soon.


@Orlando76 give us a shout and we can help you find the right size. Also try our dealers who have a good selection of wet suits in stock.


If you guys are shutting down for the season or keeping on going, hopefully we'll see you on the water soon.



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  • Baller
@"Keith Menard" I had the same problem with my impact best. Loved it at first but the more I used it not so much. Stitching started to come apart , got extremely heavy when wet and took forever to dry. Bought a Stokes Nitro 2.0 love at first use. So light, fits great and drys in a hurry. One of the guys I ski with @Rednucleus bought a Stokes 3/4 wet suit and loves it. He hates to be cold and his new Stokes wetsuit solved that problem. Also echo the great customer service from @Thomasasher. I definitely am a satisfied customer. Thanks.
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  • Baller
@"Keith Menard" saw an earlier thread about Stokes vests with all the positive comments and checked out a video of @Thomasasher talking about the Nitro 2.0 . Talked to him on the phone and he explained the blue steel and the Nitro were very similar. Decided that I liked black over blue?. Plus my ski partner @Rednucleus had nothing but great things to say about Stokes products.
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